Metal Planet Suggestion

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by caicorocks55, June 4, 2013.

  1. caicorocks55

    caicorocks55 New Member

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    First off, I wanted to thank the developers for spawning such a great idea for a game. Now, if metal planets are implemented as resource stockpiles and giant super weapons, then in order to activate these weapons, a player ought to be required to build multiple, super powerful energy generators on sites spread across the planet that are located in strategic locations. This would prevent one player from controlling the super weapon without controlling the entire planet.
  2. drewsuser

    drewsuser Active Member

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    Metal planets would already have generators on them. How would the progenitors ( or other ancient race) power them in the first place? And you already said they would have resource stockpiles; they would power the metal planet until you had built your generators. Or they would fund the building of your generators. You'd be better off fighting for control of the stockpiles.
  3. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    That's how I thought twy would work too. Perhaps a commander or engineer has to capture 6 structures which activate te weapon, and then you can use it as you wish.
  4. Nahtonaj

    Nahtonaj Member

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    I would imagine that in some way there would be something to capture. But if it is one thing, this means whoever gets it will build defenses around it. So this comes down to balance of the metal planet. You make it too hard to take over from another player, this is unbalanced. You make it too hard to keep, you defeat the purpose of there being a metal planet. Gameplay will come down to whatever lets people have fun with the planet while also making it possible to be taken over.
    2 capture points on opposite ends of the planet would make sense, but I am no game developer guru. 2 points, whether you have to build something or capture something would be reasonable. I can't imagine more than 3 though. So 2 or 3 points, probably 3 to make it a little more difficult to hold.
    Another way to balance it would be to make the world a large graveyard of units. Tons of mass to be collected from dead units for both the defender and the offender. It would also add a foreboding sense of many terrible past battles that raged across the planet for its control. You know, the usual tons of dead large units and small units alike cover the landscape...awesome.
  5. nihilrex

    nihilrex New Member

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    6 points, for the 6 primary thrust vectors...
  6. Nahtonaj

    Nahtonaj Member

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    Ah, good point. But remember, (que mysterious music), the metal an artifact. Its way of propulsion is unknown to us. It may not use the barbaric engines that we use in these days. But some advanced device without need for thrusters. Babum! (zoom out to view planet with glowing lights beneath its outer shell, deep beneath the surface of the planet. lol idk :lol:
  7. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Yup, it's been discussed that metal planets aught to have 'control points' for teams to fight over. Having to repair and hold an old, unique power generator would do for that function, or some other important component.
  8. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I've been a proponent of this idea. I think it's far better than the metal planet being an actual unit.
  9. AusSkiller

    AusSkiller Member

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    I really wish people would just wait and see how what Uber wants to do works before making suggestions about it. Iteration tends to yield better results than plans on paper and for all we know Uber's ideas might already be better than what we think we want (especially since so far they are the only ones who have even played the game at all).
  10. lyoko006

    lyoko006 New Member

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  11. Nahtonaj

    Nahtonaj Member

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    Let us dream man! Lol, part of it is just anticipation factor. Really can't wait to use it so what do we do? Dream. Plus, I personally think that sharing ideas cultivates creativity, not to mention its just fun to do! There is plenty of time before they implement the metal planet in alpha or maybe beta. I doubt us talking about it will ruin anything. :D
  12. chickenatorius

    chickenatorius New Member

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    Metal planets should be powered by little robot souls. So instead of fighting to control the planet with more forces, you fight to be the first guy to throw your tanks into the metal planet's pit of sacrifice.

    Just sayin'
  13. orion732

    orion732 New Member

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    Metal planets could just be ancient relics, floating in space unpowered. One possibility I see is that there are several slots for power generators to be built, which can only be built in those spaces on the metal planet. These generators would be unique to the planet (i.e. you could only build them in the spots designed for them on the planet), and would only serve to power up the planet. Perhaps each planet, when found, would have to be researched before it could be powered. Depending on what abilities it has, different amounts of generators would be required before you could use it. And because the power generators would be structures, an enemy would only have to eliminate the power generators to negate the metal planet's abilities.
  14. infowars

    infowars Member

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    In TA the planet Core Prime, the capital and home of the central consciousness, had a moon called dump. And dump was a graveyard of wreckage, transported from across the galaxy, as well as units due to be scrapped for whatever reason. It had no metal deposits of it's own (possibly due to them being mined to complete depletion?) which meant the economy in it was based purely off of recalculation/metal makers.

    Fun fact: The last few missions on Empyrrean, capital of the ARM resistance, had a metal value of 150 (wheras the core prime metal maps were 255) which meant you could build a metal extractor/moho mine anywhere and get reasonable returns.
  15. Nahtonaj

    Nahtonaj Member

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    Ah, so my idea is completely legitimate! Not to mention it makes sense! Why mine the metal out of a planet that is completely metal, not to mention a machine! You would destroy your own machine! Plus the mass usage would equal out. People would do battle on the planet, use its resources, and there wouldn't be much wasted mass.

    Lol Yes! Who can make the most units to simply waste! I personally love the idea. Though, *sigh* it won't be implemented.

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