1-10 How much of a fan are you of PA/TA

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Cryonicfire, May 31, 2013.

  1. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    8... or possibly 7...

    The reason being, i was never that into TA (Started playing computer games to late in my life), but i do love supcom and i have HIGH hopes for PA.

    At release my number will rise or fall depending on the finished* product (im hoping a 10).

    *At the commersial release, i know they have said that they will continue to develop the game afterwards.
  2. wintermist

    wintermist New Member

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    When I first heard about it, I was a 10, but today I'm more of a 4-5, but that is because I was expecting something different.

    Now, having said that, I'm still interested in it, because it might be a game that is fun to me anyway, but not in the way I thought. I will have to wait and see, and try a demo if one comes. Expectations are low, but hopes are high.

    This game reminds me a lot of Sins of a Solar Empire, a game I really do like, but I never thought I would.
  3. amphok

    amphok Member

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    8, my big love is Broodwar
    but i like TA for the big battle, and long range stuff
  4. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    10 I think. Gave 500 USD to PA, played TA for about 3 000 hours or more.
  5. Baleur

    Baleur Member

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    First off, you guys that said you didnt play TA.
    Get off your butts and go to www.gog.com and pick up their copy.
    Google "unofficial community patch" and install it.
    PLAY! No seriously, you must. You don't understand man.. You weren't there..
    It holds up even today, not joking.

    DUDE!! :lol:
    I was the same, when i played TA i was an awful little kid who didn't know what he was doing. Easy AI all the time.
    Now after starting to play it once more, i was a bit "afraid", thinking to myself if i'll be as owned by the AI as i was as a kid.
    ... no, Hard is way too easy now. lol

    God, we sucked at games when we were kids, it's embarrassing. :lol:
  6. Lagfest

    Lagfest New Member

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    Huh, TA?
    I still play it alot.

    Its my favorite game period.


    Liked it so much when I found out about PA I pretty much threw my money at Uber

    <3 :mrgreen:
  7. Grimseff

    Grimseff Member

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    Those are some pretty serious stats there, mate... and Day of the Tentacle... I think you mentioned in one way or another your love for this game in another post, another thread. :D

    I want to start into the whole Adventure genre, but I had some grating times with certain games I tried in the past. But well, I played a bit of Ultima IV recently, and I handled myself fairly well as far as I could tell in the game, so I think I eased up on my Adventuring weaknesses. I'm having a lot of fun with one game called Teenagent. I really like it, but I'm stuck in one puzzle. It's early, as far as I can judge, too. :oops:
  8. killroyk13

    killroyk13 New Member

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    I hadn't heard of TA or sup com until 2008 when a friend gave me supcom 2 for my birthday Ive played it for almost 300 hours. I felt foolish and deprived for missing out on the greatest thing ever when I bought sup com 1 and that feeling doubled when I got TA.

    I feel so dumb for missing out on the greatest games of all time when they where In their prime.
  9. savvon

    savvon Member

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    Not a fan at all.

    I just want to blow stuff up. :ugeek:
  10. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    lol @ 1 xD

    Another fact: My WLAN has the SSID "PlanetaryAnnihilation" since quite a while. :)
  11. Baleur

    Baleur Member

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    Imaginary monologue.

    Hello. I hate Total Annihilation.
    I just want to blow stuff up.
    Total Annihilation lets me blow stuff up.
    I like that.
    Circular logic? :D

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