I purchased the original cosmic editions a little while back and when I clicked upgrades for curiosity to see what it would say it said "You don't own any pre-order game keys yet. Click here to buy one". Is it supposed to say that or should it tell me that I have no available upgrade or something like that?
Well, since you're at the highest possible pre-order, what are you trying to upgrade exactly? (There are no upgrades from Cosmic - that is the highest level pre-order package. That message is not clear however. We'll get that fixed!)
The only reason why I posted this was because I was curious weather there would be a massage and there was and it got me a bit concerned...
I will guess "That message is not clear however" is a polite and professional way to call me a bit of an idiot... Plus that is a relief.
Not at all.. It's a confusing message. You HAVE a key.. Telling you that you don't have one is BAD. We need to fix it.