HELP! I suck at Spunky Cola!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by lord_sammy, January 2, 2011.

  1. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    I cannot play an Assassin well in Spunky Cola at all if the enemy team possesses even an OUNCE of skill! Go for the bot spawns? Support comes charging at me with a shotgun. Try to push the bots? Oops, nope, Death Blossom, I'm dead! Ejectors? Covered by Snipers. I can't poke my bot-killing nose in anywhere and given the frequency of Spunky Cola that's 50% of my games being played terribly. I have no idea what to do save for switching to another class, which is a guaruntee for poor performance anyways since I only really know how to play Assassin.
    Last edited: January 2, 2011
  2. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Maybe run in a team of friends and work together to push. If your playing alone chances are you not communicating with your team and there is no strats going on. If your sticking to one class I advise you not to. Try to use every class in the game. I just change every game and don't play the same class in a row. This will also help you get better at the game trust meh :)

    Make sure your not playing Assassin if there is already 2+ on your team already. Switch it up a bit and I think you'll find things will get better.
  3. AbusedPumpkin

    AbusedPumpkin New Member

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    Stay around the bot spawns and get lvl 2 smoke: the support can't catch you if you just keep jumping up/down/over the raised ledge. Use the ejector when they are down below, and to kill off any firebases they have there. Kill bots while the support chases you around (basically just lunging everywhere). Get an assassination kill on them once or twice, and they'll give up eventually.

    Useful tip vs snipers: you can lunge through ice traps. You'll be frozen where you land, so make sure you land right next to them and grapple. If frozen but out of grapple range, melee constantly so they can't get a headshot (R3).
  4. The Broken Ace

    The Broken Ace New Member

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    I think part of the problem is that the fact you are playing with randoms and the class diversity, as AmazeTheory already mentioned, yet, there is also one other thing I think you are too focused on. What is the difference between a Tank and an Assassin? Answer, Tanks can kill bots and protect his own while Assassins can only push and kill one Pro at a time due to grappling. I think you need to focus more on spy tactics and sneaking rather then just pushing Bots. I don't wanna turn this into an Assassin Guide because we already have those. Still here are some more helpful hints and general rules to live by.

    • 1. Never rush straight in the bot lane. Yeah, that's where the robots are, but that's also where the Assaults, Gunners, Tanks, and anything else that can kill you. Try and stick out of sight and to one of the sides/backdoors. If you don't really see anyone around a halfway hurt Tank having a little trouble, slash some bots for juice but go right back to hiding out.

    • 2. Snipers are hard on there little perch on their base, but there is a couple ways to take care of them. You can sneak by them with cloak and hop up using a Launch Pad if you wanna be extra sneaky, or use your Smoke Bomb though that will alert people of your presence. Then while you are somewhat behind him on the elevation of the map, see if there are any traps, if so, shoot him down with your Shuriken Launcher. It does a good amount of damage to stationary targets, and while he is scoped, he wont be moving too much. What is you don't kill him and he jumps down? Don't take the same path he did cause you'll get stick in his trap and just shoot you. See where he goes and wait by their base spawner.

    • 3. Speaking of the spawner, that's where that Support is. Here, you mostly just need to watch out for him, as he can be kind of rough. Either A, he has Passive 2 and EVERY bot that spawns near him get his aura. B, he is paranoid of your existence and has a shotgun ready. And C, all of the above. Good news is, he probably dropped his Firebase somewhere in the middle and it can't really reach you though be wary of other turrets made in the back. Don't rush in slashing at everything and hoping to get a free kill, rush in after his bots just spawned and left, then get him while he is all by his lonesome. If you really want to, you can chase his bots that already passed and slash them in the back for some free juice.

    • 4. Tanks, Gunners and Assaults, just try general picking off player tactics. Like finding them all alone, or have half health, and along the lines of not picking a fair fight. Also, you'll have to look up what backstabs kill what with what grade Armor, but just know backstabs > facegrabs and you should be fine. Assaults have lower health and faster, which means harder to grapple, Gunners are the opposite, and generally avoid Tanks unless they are loners and have low health. If so, deal as how you would deal with a Gunner.

    These aren't perfect tactics, but this is a generally a good way to play the Assassin. Hunt loners/hurt Pros, kill bots when you can, and sneak tactics. If you wanna be more bot control and push harder, play a Tank. The Assassin was made for sneaking and not being a BAMF.
  5. Organous

    Organous Member

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    This arena is actually where I discovered my true power as an Assassin. You simply have to keep yourself very aware of anything that could kill you. It's actually rather boring. You have to spend most of your time looking for the spots where they're vulnerable. If even one player detects you, get the hell out of there. Use all your lunge and smoke powers to get out of any dangerous situation, then use your cloak properly to get back in when you can. If a Support is ever guarding the base and you don't yet have the tools to deal with it, the best thing you can do is simply hit bots enough to get juice and overrun the place. NEVER try to finish a job if you are detected unless you're just about to finish at that point.
  6. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    Thanks for all the tips, I'll see what I can do :)

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