Planetary Annihilation LiveStream: April 19th, 2013

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by garat, April 15, 2013.

  1. chrispins

    chrispins New Member

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    Okay, so now we can assume that a meter's length in PA is the same thing as 3.33 meters in SupCom for gameplay purposes. That means that a 20km x 20km Seton's Clutch map would be more like 6km x 6km by PA standards. That means the adjusted surface area of Seton's Clutch would be a tiny 36.1 km^2 compared to the giant 113 km^2 PA planet.

    That's a ratio of 113:36.1 = 3.13
    This means that the planet is roughly 3 times larger than Seton's Clutch.
    Wow, that came REALLY close to my visual estimate :shock:
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure real world tanks can shoot a distance of a few kilometers. If the ranges in SupCom were altered just to relate to what current tanks can do they would probably be able to shoot from one base to another on a 5*5 map.
    Ofc it would be stupid to implement such ranges, because it would be pretty stupid to play.

    On your math:

    If we scale Setons 20km x 20km down (factor 3,33 for speed and size) we go down to ~6km x ~6km.
    So in PA-Scale setons has a surface area of roughly 36km^2

    The Planet of 3000m radius has a surface area of 113km^2, going to supcom scale:

    sqrt(113) * 3,33 = ~35km

    so it is more like 35km*35km map

    SupCom can do bigger maps, but PA has multiple planets + can technically do bigger maps, however even 40km*40km maps are rarely played in SupCom, so I would guess that UBERs reasoning on "a 3000m Planet is not gonna be played that often" is totally correct.

    EDIT: Hey, when I started writing this post the math in your post was still totally incorrect. But it's nice we got the same results :)

    EDIT 2: Another interesting number:
    Using the 3,33 to 1 scale a planet of ~6860m radius has the same surface area as a 81km x 81km map in SupCom.
  3. freemangl

    freemangl Member

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    Love to know that!
  4. syox

    syox Member

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    Sorry Freemangl using your quote here as a connecting link.
    I think i am on your ignore list nano?
    Correct result: 3.33:1
    3. Due to me studying math for 4 years i am pretty confident in my math.
    4. I also belive a little in zen. So i tend to only give little hints and let people figure stuff out on their own.
    5. You are right using "Math! :shock:" as a hint could be recieved wrong or even if not intended, harsh. Therefore i have to say:

    Garat you have a writing error in your Math calculation, resulting in a wrong result.
  5. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    I sure felt that. If the ACU is supposed to be 40 meters tall then a tank is like 20 meters long.

    It's really one of my major gripes with the game, the smallest unit is taller than my apartment building. There's no way to relate. Huge stuff is huge only compared to other big stuff. It's very disassociative.

    So I hope that for PA you fix that up a little. I want to feel like things happen at a scale where I could actually see little people running around on the ground if there were any. That way big things are truly appreciably big.

    This suits me just fine. 40km felt like the upper limit for where supcom was playable. 80 was just not functional. It felt more like an excersize in how big of a heightmap could fit in memory than any kind of practical gameplay.

    And if the max is about 3000m then that would be somewhere in that upper range of "fun" sizes.
  6. kaisho

    kaisho New Member

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    This suits me just fine. 40km felt like the upper limit for where supcom was playable. 80 was just not functional. It felt more like an excersize in how big of a heightmap could fit in memory than any kind of practical gameplay.

    And if the max is about 3000m then that would be somewhere in that upper range of "fun" sizes.[/quote]

    What does everybody have against the large scale maps?
    I totally loved those (only in offline games though) ^^
  7. veta

    veta Active Member

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    Them cutting Quantum Gates as teleporters for regular units kinda ruined super large maps.

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