Battleroids - How to have 'Starship' combat

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by CrazyVulcan, May 24, 2013.

  1. CrazyVulcan

    CrazyVulcan Active Member

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    Okay so I have been watching this game for a while and I have to say that I am excited for the potential this game holds. I love 4x games and that I agree with the new take on the genera.

    However I was sad to hear that there were not going to be any Starships in game to duke it out and transport force's across large distance. After some thought and checking the forum and not seeing another thread like this in recent discussion. I thought of the idea of making Battleroid's. Okay I can hear it what is a Battleroid? It is a asteroid Covered with guns and troops ready to make a assault on what ever system they find themselves entering.

    I was thinking that one idea of the game is mining asteroids and second that you can fly them about the system. So what is the difference other than looks form a 'fleet?' of Battleroids entering orbit and having factory's to build units and those cool looking canons that shoot units to the surface; and lots of guns to protect form the enemy Battleroids.

    The idea of a group of them entering a orbit and quelling the defensive fire below by slamming a spare one or two. then entering a orbit over the enemy base and dropping a army in the nest. What does everyone think of this possible alt?

    I will be preordering for Beta access closer to time but till then

  2. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    PA is not a 4X game, it's not even close. It's an RTS, modelled after Total Annihilation.
    While we have seen construction on asteroids, including engines, there has been no confirmation on whether free movement is allowed. It may only be a case of "Build Engines, select target planet, launch" with no possibility of moving to arbitrary locations.
  3. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    We could just use them like Orks and fill them with units to seed a enemy world with, kind of like a alpha strike.
  4. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    I imagine that putting an asteroid in orbit around a planet could be possible. I too look forward to my battleroids :)
  5. tigerwarrior

    tigerwarrior Active Member

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    love it.
  6. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    PA isn't 4x.
  7. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    This was literally in the kickstarter video. A planet was invaded from a built up asteroid.
  8. kateros

    kateros New Member

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    Well no, that was a asteroid made into a weapon of mass destruction aimed at the enemy's base, but shot down by what I assume to be nuclear missles. Still it did the dmg and destroyed the base(and the whole planet).
  9. teradyn

    teradyn Member

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    A commander was sent to a moon of the planet and then later units were fired down on the opposing team's base from a unit cannon.
  10. kingjohnvi

    kingjohnvi Member

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    It would be fun to be able to move an asteroid or small moon near a planet and fire a unit cannon from it. This could be used as a sort of mobile base of operations. Since moving planets will be in the game, I would think this could be done. This wouldn't have to be free movement either, just movement restricted to a choice of orbiting or crashing directly into planets. Fun, fun, fun! :D
  11. technoxan

    technoxan New Member

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    I think the battleroids are cool! But I still don't think space a lot ship conflict would be easy for the game makers, and it might make beta come out later :cry:
  12. EaglePryde

    EaglePryde New Member

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    The name "Battleroid" is a bit missleading (atleast for me). I instantly was thinking about Robotech.

    The Idea of Space Battles isn't that bad. It is another RTS layer and not always leads to a game being 4X. It could be a light version and may be only utilized inside a Sol. System while between Sol. Systems you could only send units to strenghten a system or use transporters to move units.

    Thinking of Robotech it could be done the same way.You'd have big slow Battleships that act as carriers and smaller versatile Fighter/Bomber craft. In addition you'd have Transporters and that's about it. Not very complicated and serves as another layer. It also doesn't have to be full 3D movement. a 2D plane would do just fine.

    As in Robotech, those Battleships (aka Macross) would have huge production costs balancing the whole stuff.
  13. megacy

    megacy New Member

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    would you rather have a game done right, or a game made fast? also, if nothing else, this could be a mod, infact, i think that is what they are counting on, someone making Starships in a mod so that they can get it released early but still being "Uber".
  14. numptyscrub

    numptyscrub Member

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    You can get cream for that :lol:

    Neutrino has said a few times that celestial mechanics is still being decided; it may be fully simulated, or it may be highly simplistic, or anything in between. On at least one of the livestreams he confirmed he preferred the concept of simulated if possible, however it depends how much extra load it puts on the engine. Personally I'm not going to worry about the possibilities for asteroids until we know how they will be implemented; if there is enough engine leeway to be able to turn them into orbital staging platforms, I suspect a few of us will end up trying to mod that in ;)

    Beyond that, neutrino also confirmed that "space" is not being treated as a combat layer by the engine (space combat is not in scope for the project), so it would probably be best to imagine unit cannons and any interpanetary transport options as a teleport analogue; it gets you from A to B, but the journey itself is irrelevant and uninterruptible.

    Ultimately I can see an awful lot of out-of-scope things being added via mods (both community and official), but the base release game probably isn't going to support building an asteroid fortress and then zooming around the system shooting at opponents with it. If we're lucky it may well support building one and parking it around a planet as a staging area though :mrgreen:
  15. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I always hoped to see asteroids simply "moveable" into orbit around planets, basically turning them into moons, which do exist so I don't see the complication here outside of balance.

    Balance wise, again, the smaller the asteroid, the easier it is to move for crashing planets and orbiting planets, but also the smaller the asteroid, the easier it is for only a nuke or two to be able to blow it into pieces.

    I feel this would also be viable to asteroids crashing into planets balance wise. A huge asteroid would take lots of resources, but wouldn't respond to nuclear weapons, yet would respond to crashing another small asteroid into it. Meanwhile, small asteroids are useful for smashing bigger asteroids, yet it would take several of them to get through nuclear weapons shooting them from the sky.
  16. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Hmm ... terview/2/

    Its an old interview but it should still be valid (As in, content planned for the game).
  17. wintermist

    wintermist New Member

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    Maybe space battles will come in an expansion ;)
  18. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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  19. theachronus

    theachronus New Member

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    Step 1: Get to rock
    Step 2: Arm rock (for defensive purposes)
    Step 3: Engine rock
    Step 4: Move rock
    Step 5: Use dozens of nukes stored in silos on rock
    Step 5B: Build more nukes, use them to finish carpet nuking
    Step 6: go to -> Step 4
    Step 7: ???
    Step 8: Win Game with reusable Death Blossom Rocks
  20. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    If a planet is destroyable, I am sure a 10th of a plannet is 10x more easily destroyed. Like, if an asteroid the size of texas would destroy an earth planet, a few nukes or an asteroid the size of rhode island would destroy another asteroid the size of texas.

    If you did lose an asteroid like that, you would lose a hefty investment, as well as your frontline attack strategy. You would have to come up with a new form of attack, and then rebuild from scratch the weapons to carry it out.

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