In-game Chronocam Time Warp Mechanics (spells)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by nuggedee, May 24, 2013.

  1. nuggedee

    nuggedee New Member

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    Just spit-balling, but wouldn't it be cool if the "chronocam" mechanic could be applied as an actual game mechanic? It could be something such as a specialized unit that could rewind time in AoE pattern.

    Imagine that a wide range of enemy units had come and destroyed one of your bases, and had you known the attack would, you could have sent reinforcements to the area. If you have one the special time warp units you could rewind time in that area around the base, you would then send reinforcements to help defend the base.

    The chronocam sounds... well, epic. It could be used for things other than just replays.

    Just an idea. It may not even work in an isolated region in game time.
  2. gunelemental

    gunelemental New Member

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    Have you heard about the game called Achron? It's an RTS that's all about time travel, sort of similar to what you're describing. It seemed super interesting to me until the gameplay got in the way. Maybe some of the same concepts could be adapted into a PA mod.
  3. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    The ChronoCam... I'm really not sure it's built to work that way guys.
    It's not a way for you to choose your own adventure, or at least I'm pretty certain it's not if I'm understanding how the Chornocam has been coded. Localised time distortions I feel, are not on the menu.

    I might be wrong, but I wouldn't bet on it.
  4. ninjarock

    ninjarock New Member

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    Pretty sure its just acting as essentially an instant replay mechanic. I don't see it being used for anything else.

    There is the case that they mentioned where you could jump in take over a REPLAY. That is, a game that is finished and the ChronoCam data has been saved.

    I don't know how Uber coded it so it could maybe be done using a mod.
  5. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Interesting idea but I'm fairly sure it will be hard enough to manage battles on several moving planets, moons and asteroids without having to keep track of different timelines as well. :p
  6. lafncow

    lafncow Active Member

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    You can't have local time warps.
    For example: I smash an asteroid into your planet, destroying everything. You back up time and build anti-asteroid missiles or whatever...but there is no asteroid lurking out there anymore to come smash your planet. Or does one appear, but only right at your base (because that's the only place where time has been warped), so you don't have time to do anything about it anyway?
    Or another example: I find a cool resource/reclaim some metal/activate a death star and take my goods away somewhere else and then back up time in that spot to do it again. over. and. over. ...20 minutes later I have an army of 500 deathstars?
    This whole concept is a broken mess, I'm sorry.
    You would have to be global or nothing, and no one wants to deal with a game where your opponent can just undo everything you did in the last 5 minutes whenever they want. It would be impossible to finish a game because no one would lose.

  7. lafncow

    lafncow Active Member

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    ...I'm sorry if I came off too negative here. I love the creativity and definitely am in for the idea of replaying games from a point in time to create a new outcome, but I'm just thinking of the practicalities here.
  8. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    but you ARE right. localized time reversals creates a big can of worms in terms of implementation.

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