Soooo. About that Occulus Rift thing.

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Skelingtonking, May 21, 2013.

  1. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    If nothing changes, VR will go the way of how motion capture stuff is with consoles currently. People will buy it then realize the normal way is better, more comfortable, not gimmicky. I certainly hope I'm wrong though.
  2. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    The problem with Motion Control is that it was useless for core games. VR isn't a silly way of input (aside from head tracking), it's just a more immersive output method.
  3. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    I've read a lot about the Rift and had the chance to try one out and for the first time with VR tech I think this one actually might stick. Most major dev studios have picked one or more up and blog/tweet/share on a regular basis about their experiences.

    Are you going to play every single game you ever own with it? Probably not, but it could greatly enhance the experience of many titles especially things like first person RPG's, space sims, etc.

    It's also surprisingly affordable too. The dev kit itself is only $300. I know affordable is different things to different people, but I personally think that's a pretty sweet price point for what it is. It also allows watching of video and stuff too which is actually a lot more enjoyable than you'd think. It's almost like having your own personal movie theater.

    Also, just for the sake of mentioning, I am a person that wears glasses and there's plenty of modifications that can be made with the default Rift for people in my situation to still use the device comfortably.
  4. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    The area where I see the OR shining is mainly in sims, such as the Arma series, Evochron Mercenary, IL-2 Sturmovik, etc. In games like this, head movement independent from aim is very important, as it improves player situational awareness, especially since the player may not want to move their aim just to check their surroundings.
    For example, In Arma, you may be aiming at a target, but want to check your flanks while you reload.
    In Evochron and IL-2, you may be trying to spot an enemy fighter while flying in a specific direction.

    Normally, this is achieved with some sort of vision control button, although more popular in recent years has been head-tracking software, such as TrackIR. The problem with solutions such as TrackIR is that moving your head while trying to look at your monitor tends to be problematic. You can scale the head tracking input, so that smaller head movements move your view, but then the movement feels somewhat unnatural.
    In these cases, the OR would be a huge boon, and you can bet that the sim communities will jump right on this once all the kinks are smoothed out. (After all, we're the kind of people that spend $400 on a joystick.)

    But how useful will it be outside of the sim community? I can't imagine the impact will be all that huge.
    FPSs like TF2, Call of Duty, or Quake would have no real benefit from the features the OR offers, as they are most efficiently played from a perspective that is fixed on your aim. (In fact, for games like this, the OR would tend to be more of an inconvenience than a benefit. Especially if they take the naive approach of using the OR to aim.)
    RPGs like Skyrim would fair better, but they would have to be developed from the ground up with the OR in mind, otherwise they experience the same issues as the FPSs.
    RTSs may do okay with it, but again, they would have to be designed with the OR in mind. This can actually be easier than RPGs, provided they take the Ground Control/World in Conflict approach to the camera. But this really depends on the style of the game. A game like Planetary Annihilation wouldn't work well with that type of camera, and so the OR benefits would again be limited.
    As for all the rest of the games, they would again be restricted based on whether they are designed for the OR or not. Obviously there would be some games for which the use of the OR wouldn't make sense, such as 2d platformers, fighting games, games with a guided camera, etc. The rest would have to be designed in such a way that they take advantage of the OR's features. But this means that developers would be targeting a split market: those that own an OR and those that don't. Judging by the fact that an OR costs money, more people will fall in the latter category, which means that in general, it wouldn't be the most marketable decision.

    So in the end, I see the OR filling the same niche as tools like TrackIR, and probably dominating that niche. But will it really have that much influence on the rest of the gaming industry? Probably not.
  5. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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  6. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Right, for a game that was designed specifically for VR. But as the article points out, the CCP guys probably won't take it anywhere. Evochron Mercenary probably has a better chance in that area, as it already has TrackIR support, and adding stereoscopic vision wouldn't be too hard. Star Citizen already has OR support planned, and I hear rumors that the Freespace SCP guys have something up their sleeves.
  7. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    I meant the basic concept of dogfighting games. And generally vehicle games, be them planes, spaceships, tanks, Mechs or such.
    That was just the first example I could think of. Mechwarrior Online better damn add OR support.
  8. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Right, I was totally going to mention MWO in my long post, but somehow by the end of it, I had forgotten.
    Really, nearly any game in which you are in control of a vehicle would do quite nicely with OR support.
  9. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Elder Scrolls / new Fallout games could do pretty well with them too, as long as melee weapons had more of a tied-to-view attack. Looking one way and swinging another is a little jarring

    Although for the price of an OR I could probably just -go- to Norway
  10. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    I want to see a game that will only work with VR.
  11. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Oh, obscure surreal indie games like Dear Esther and Kairo too. Because I use those games as dream fuel, and they'd be pretty awesome with full immersion
  12. vinco46

    vinco46 New Member

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    I want to see a match of Counter Strike where everyone is using the Omni and Rift Setup. It may not be as effective as a keyboard and mouse, but it would be pretty fun.
  13. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Or a match of Warsow using the Omni/Rift setup. Guaranteed heart-attacks for all. (On the bright side, if you do survive, you'll get in darn good shape darn quick.)
  14. thebigpill

    thebigpill Well-Known Member

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    That would be so awesome if it would actually work right.

    Also I can see VR working for Dear Esther too, since that 'game' is all about the experience/immersion anyway. (story and dialogue suck doe)
  15. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    One of those old super-colourful neon future superfast racing games
  16. thebigpill

    thebigpill Well-Known Member

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    Soooooo, basically Warsow?

    (don't worry Sylvester, I'm kidding)
  17. comham

    comham Active Member

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    This certainly raises the issue of how to prevent non-rifters playing with rifters, if you want a rift-only MP match.

    But then I imagine rifters will be such a small population our games will have to be organised beforehand anyway.
  18. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    It's not too far from the truth:

    Just needs a little more Tron-neon in there . . .
  19. Skelingtonking

    Skelingtonking Member

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    So I think most people are not giving this device the benefit of the doubt, the way the lenses works is fills your full peripheral view, and has incredibly low latency. It is receiving major support from developers like Valve and Epic.

    I think the scale of large RTS and Top down games could really be incredible. to look down and feel like you are floating above an actual giant world.

    I think that if this thing launched in 2 years with support for the new consoles and pc, it would be a major deal. even if it was still 150-200 dollars. I think trying it on in a store is all it would take.
  20. thebigpill

    thebigpill Well-Known Member

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    How many ms?

    But still, for the games I play, I think a mouse would still be more comfortable/effective, even if the input lag is comparable.

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