Blast and critical hits?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by rtvestey79, May 18, 2013.


Who thinks this post is a good idea?

  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. Über decision

    7 vote(s)
  3. No

    92 vote(s)
  1. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    If you miss it's your fault, if you get a crit it's random.
  2. mecatronico

    mecatronico New Member

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    It all comes down to competitive X casual play I think, random things depend on lucky and so are not welcome in this type of game becouse they are out of the control of the player and so your hability cease to matter, but I for exemple play only for fun, I never look at my status and if I have 5 losses for every win well I don`t care, that way I loved the crate drops in the old CeC, you could find anything even one MCV of the other team, it could also be a trap that kill your best unit in the worst moment, I find it just fun, if sometimes one of my units fails, lets say a noke exploding on the pad instead of taking off, I would be surprise but I would find it funny and probably take a print screen to show it to my friends.

    That is it I think, it is not just in a competitive game where both players are trying to win, but if you just play for fun random things are good because they put more surprise effects in the game, in the old CeC, you could choose if the crates would be in the game or not, but I have already read a lot of posts in this forum against includind options(you are wasting resources, you are dividing the player base, let it to mods) so I will not sugest it (even if I think that the argument let it to mods is overused, too many things they will never want to touch).

    So its better to keep random out of the game since it is what most of the peole prefer but I think it would NOT RUIN MY GAME, Ha Civilization had the infame caveman with one stick killing a modern tank sometimes since the combat was based on probability and everything could give a critical hit and I still loved that game, lots of fun.
  3. pantsburgh

    pantsburgh Active Member

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    I realize that gamers don't like RnG, but it's not evil and doesn't make a game any less competitive. Poker has a ton of randomness and is highly competitive. DoW2 has tons of RnG and is highly competitive.

    What I would argue, however, is that things like critical hits and other small-impact RnGs are more of a mechanic for a "details" game (tactical) where you notice and are affected by those RnGs rather than a "big-picture" game (strategic) where in a battle of 100 vs 100 all the dps just averages out and that RnG really plays no role.

    With a big-picture sort of game you need big-picture RnG to match, and random crits aren't that. Things like random weather affects that appear on a planet would better fill that role in this context (just as an example; there isn't any weather in PA).

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  4. thundercleez

    thundercleez Member

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  5. panzeroceania

    panzeroceania New Member

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    I don't like chance, and I do like simulation, this isn't simulation.

    I think you can get cool moments like this in the game without having to interject some contrived "critical hit" mechanic.
  6. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    What's not to get? A miss is a predictable event. Maneuver your units to give them a better angle. A crit is completely unpredictable.
  7. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I think a more eloquent way of saying what bmb meant is;

    • A player can dodge simulated shots, but he can't dodge a crit multiplier. The former is controllable by the player, the later is not.
  8. thundercleez

    thundercleez Member

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    Can't crit what you can't hit.

    P.S. Some of my comments may sound like they are arguing for crit, but they aren't. Those comments are usually pointing out nonsensical arguments.

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