What are you playing while waiting for PA?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ulciscor, May 16, 2013.

  1. ulciscor

    ulciscor Active Member

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    I'm bored stiff.

    Mechwarrior online - F2P game, is fun at times, frustrating the rest, like when your lance mates don't support you = dead.

    Warframe - F2P, has potential to be very good, but combat at the moment is so easy, and devs are trying to make it harder, without getting people to resort to cover so they can keep the fluid combat going, and asking for the game to be harder gets met on the forum with "You're just an elitist who wants to show off!" Ugh..

    Xcom EU - Awesome game, but also frustrating. Also has a few bugs that annoy me, like planning your move perfectly, coming up to flank an enemy, only to find you haven't flanked him because the game doesn't recognise it, AKA bug. Also multiplayer is dead, when it wasn't i tried to play it, and there was NO mute function, seriously..so someone could spam chat with all sorts of crap, and you just had to let it fill your screen, also, Mic was always on, and there was no way to turn that off either, so you had to listen to their heavy breathing or listen to them whine over skype, and there was nothing you could do about it other then turn off the sound and gimp yourself. (as sound was important)

    Supcom - I tried playing it again, love the idea, love the units, hate the unit redundancy. T1/2 units being on the whole, very low standard compare to T3? What a waste, don't like the idea of 'teching up' either. So much potential...

    Tomb raider - It's alright, but too easy, either that or i've gotten smarter (it's too easy).

    I'm looking forward to PA because i like that Uber recognises that rapid click or 'micro' isn't strategy. And i look forward to the tears when people who have been used to so called 'Strategy' games like starcraft, realise that their micro might win them the battle, but won't win them the war.

    So what's everyone been playing, and why are you looking forward to PA?
  2. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    ulciscor, try out SMNC. It's F2P, and you get a taste of Uber's previous work. It's quite good, but do be patient when you first start.
    Also, remember the 2 golden rules:
    1. Kill bots.
    2. Don't die.
  3. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    I've been playing FA:F with my wife, doing massive battles against the cheating AIs.. It's fun, but the performance in anything other than a small game makes me wish even harder for PA.

    Other games.. Half Life Source - Black Mesa mod. Remake of the original half life in the Source engine, but way better than the Valve port. Very impressive mod/game.
  4. felipec

    felipec Active Member

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  5. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Depends on the day. I haven't had much time to play games lately, but I've been getting into New Vegas at the moment. Had a playthrough of Bioshock 2 (which I wasn't able to use for a while cause of GFWL :() not too long ago, that was fun. MWO is a lot of fun if you can get past pugs not being the best. I even got back into minecraft for a bit.

    I can't wait for this game to come out :shock:
  6. mkultr4

    mkultr4 Member

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    Dota 2, I bought Heart of the Swarm right when it came out but I'm really getting bored of Starcraft 2.

    Preordered PA and will preorder Rome 2 Total War as well, 2 games I've been the most excited for in years.
  7. Ti1t

    Ti1t Member

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    BioShock infinite, right through to completion. Just imagine if the generic gameplay was as good as the story.

    Leave of legends. Because I enjoy being verbally abused by children. Its also fun.

    Arma3. Because flying a helicopter with missiles around an island for 20 minutes at a time is fun :D

    Warthunder. Because flying a battle of Britain spitfire is a personal dream of mine.

    FA. Because its epic.

    HOTS. Because I enjoyed the campaign the first time round (not so much this time)
  8. shandlar

    shandlar Member

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    I picked up stardrive now that it is (generally) stable. I crash less than once per five hours or so now. The ship building and psuedo real time combat combined with a 4x strat game is just sweet as hell.

    The AI also uses your ship designs when you play another species. The community is starting to share ship packs that are really making the game HARD in a good way. I have over a hundred hours in for a sub 30 dollar game without slowing down.

    Also its not an rts. PA will fill that roll here with alpha in a few weeks.
  9. crseth

    crseth Member

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    That is all I really play -_- Although I did a run through of bioshock infinite, great game!
  10. dbiton

    dbiton Member

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    Red alert 2.
    and again.
    and again.
  11. dbiton

    dbiton Member

    Likes Received:
    Red alert 2.
    and again.
    and again.
  12. antillie

    antillie Member

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    EVE and Master of Orion 2. Yes I am old.
  13. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    last game i have played was titan quest immortal throne ... gotta get my rig to work for my main when i want to play SupCom FA or PA
  14. Azarath

    Azarath Member

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    Here's my list of games I like to play.

    Aliens versus Predator 2
    Aliens versus Predator classic 2000
    Assassin's Creed 1
    Command & Conquer: Renegade
    Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
    Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars (Using the Tiberium Essence mod)
    Deus Ex: Human Revolution
    Doom 3
    Far Cry 1
    GTA: Vice City
    Halo 1 (The only Halo game that I've played)
    Lego: Rock Raiders
    Mirror's Edge
    Portal 2
    Predator Concrete Jungle
    Quake 2 (Using Ultimate Quake 2 patch)
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein
    Serious Sam: BFE
    Serious Sam: The First Encounter
    Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Using Conversion pack 2.0)
    Star Wars: Jedi Academy
    Star Wars: Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2
    Star Wars: Jedi Outcast
    Star Wars: Republic Commando
    Starcraft 1
    Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (Loaded with a bunch of mods)
    System Shock 2
    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
    Total Annihilation
    Total War: Shogun 2
    Warcraft 2 & 3
    X-Men: Wolverine's Revenge
  15. mrcthulhu

    mrcthulhu Member

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    Paradox's Hearts of Iron series, (3 and Darkest Hour specifically), to work on my strategy skills (Schwerpunkt like Guderian, if you know what I'm saying, or alternatively: Defending my planet like Stalingrad with Zhukov's Mastery Hat) :cool:

    Other than that it's whatever, Dirt 2/3 mostly at the moment, also some Rome TW
  16. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    X3 Terran Conflict, Sanctum 2, ARMA2 (vanilla/Charnarus Life), and Kerbal Space Program. Than random weird games on consoles like El Shadi, Shadows of the Damned, and Viewtiful Joe.
  17. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Xcom was on sale on Steam recently and I'm playing it till I get the alpha. Which will hopefully be SOON™!
  18. urablahblah

    urablahblah Member

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    Yes. Once or twice a year my brother and I play this nonstop for a few weeks.

    I've mostly been playing Kerbal Space Program, with the occasional distraction of New Vegas and Civ 5.

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