I've seen these blackish parts of the planet, could these be extra resource spots? If they are, I can't wait to see some resource control battles over those areas.
no i mean these spots: http://imgur.com/whKpFOr They've been in all the live streams that Uber has done showing planets, even if they looked a bit different.
Your picture seems to be from the kickstarter gameplay visualisation. Since this was entirely render, I don't think it has any direct connection to gameplay. Additionally, I'd say it just was a ground texture for hills and stones used there.
This. Not to mention those aren't really 'spots' either, and Neutrino mentioned in the May 3rd LS that the game will have Metal Spots. Mike
I forgot to mention in the topic that I had seen these spots in the most recent livestream. I asked the question in the stream chat but it never got answered so I asked it here. The picture was the first one I could find of the dark areas on a planet. Sweet, I missed that and maybe they're one and the same.
Do you mean these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... bkI#t=565s Those dark mountain things do look odd, but i'm not sure why they look like they do. Also i think i once saw a similar colored area that was flat. But it could also be a bug, pre alpha and all...
I wondered that too in the live stream where he is solo when he was choosing a second area to build his 2nd base he chose a dark patch spot and surrounded it with buildings etc I assumed that spot contained resources.
Isn't that just part of the rock/mountain biome? Like this: http://neutralneutral.com/wp-content/up ... untain.jpg