Suggestion for the Uber Cannon

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by mushroomars, May 6, 2013.

  1. Tearor

    Tearor New Member

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    I like it for crippling an enemies economy during an attack, targetting resources and factories while the combat units are busy whiping out defences and keeping the pressure on. To me it gives the commander some use rather then just a front line builder due to his fast build speed
  2. jurgenvonjurgensen

    jurgenvonjurgensen Active Member

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    So having four times the firepower of a tank and forty times the hitpoints (and the highest target priority in the game) isn't enough for you? "The Commander has the build power of two engineers and the fighting power of twenty tanks; where do you think he's best put to use?" is a thing that all SC noobs need to memorise. Even without the ability to OC buildings he's still the best assault unit you have until T3, and if you think that without the ability to OC buildings he's just a glorified engineer, you're not using him to his full effectiveness.
  3. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    So an instant death weapon counts as the power of infinity tanks, right? Oh wait no it doesn't, because the TA Commander still DIED.

    Supcom Commanders were pretty bogus, but it was also a different game with different scaling issues. The TA style basically starts everything at Supcom's Tier 2, where you are absolutely screwed without constant use of overcharge. The TA commander also had much more construction power, less speed, and less health, promoting more use at home. Where both games lacked was with resources, which looks like a pretty good way to keep the Comm valuable and protected regardless of game type.
  4. numptyscrub

    numptyscrub Member

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    IIRC, when I looked at the unit stats for the commander the D-Gun did 90,000 damage per explosion. You could technically give it a DPS, but it's so ridiculously outside of the TA unit scale that I'd support your "infinity tanks" proposition as mathematically easier to process :mrgreen:

    As people have mentioned previously, while the commander is (technically) a good combat unit in most of these games, I'd argue that is because it was designed to be able to fend off an initial rush. If it had the combat power of half a tank, and the hitpoints of 2.3 tanks, then you'd never need tech 2+ units because 5 Peewee's (or equivalent) is a guaranteed kill.

    Did people build sACUs in SupCom as assault units of choice if experimentals were banned, or did they just build more T3 assault for the same mass? I never really played SupCom online except for compstomping with friends, that is a genuine question ^^;
  5. jurgenvonjurgensen

    jurgenvonjurgensen Active Member

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    That's not how maths works. What's the DPS of a Percival against Mech Marines? Protip: It's not 400.

    SCUs swung wildly in balance from patch to patch, so there's no consistent answer. At one point they were mobile fusion reactor/metal maker combos, at one point they had horribly broken nano-repair and were combat monsters. Most of the time those two things caused them to be nerfed to uselessness.
  6. numptyscrub

    numptyscrub Member

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    So more of an issue of unit balance then. I think I tried them out as combat units once, but given the difference in mass/HP/DPS between sACU / T3 assault / experimentals I usually just used sACUs (when I built them at all) as build support for secondary bases, leaving the fighting to the cheaper T3 swarm or the experimentals.
  7. blocky22

    blocky22 Member

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    As it currently stands the commander will basically be stuck 'cowering' in it's base and only be usefull to assist other units.
    So, the Commander should have some level of upgrades to maintain it's usefulness on the battlefield.. I both agree and disagree with this.
    ideas like Make the Command able to upgrade into the Mega unit tier
    sound good in theory but i still think that leaving the commander as a mobile weak point (game ender) is a good one.

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