Methods to Annihilate Planets...?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by cptusmc, May 3, 2013.

  1. cptusmc

    cptusmc Active Member

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    I was wondering what are some of the confirmed ways to annihilate planets (Besides Asteroids)?

    In addition, what do you think are some cool ways to destroy planets or just ways to make them void of robots?
    • - Rain artillery from Moon till the surface breaks apart.
    • - Planet collisions.
    • - Nukes.
    • - Create a black hole in the center of a planet (like in Star Trek).
    • - Super-Commander .... :lol:
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    So far it's only KEWs and possibly Metal Planets.

  3. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Currently, all I know of is KEWs and the Death Metal Star planet. Which I think is all that's been announced.

    Game modes have been suggested on the forums involving planet hopping due to black holes, which sound very intriguing.

    I think it comes down to what they said in the livestream: it just depends on if it will add any fun or not. Cause sometimes, it won't.
  4. nemesiszidar

    nemesiszidar New Member

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    Im sorry but what is KEW? I often read it but i dont get what it means.
    I would like to push my Planet into another and so destroy that dumb lump of dirt. Smashing Asteroids ofcourse is in it/announced and will be cool. But to do the same with a whole planet, i dont know, cause it wouldnt bring much for gameplay, just for the fun of the possibility. Who would fight on a planet and conquer it and then build buildings to get that thing into another planet. But could be funny on very small planets at all or moons. Treating a Moon like an Asteroid and smash that clunk into a Planet=Done. That would be the most awesome thing ever in a game.
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    KEW: Kinetic Energy weapon.

    Think of dropping pebbles into water, only that water is an ocean, and the pebble is an asteroid.

    Using gravity to smash things together!
  6. thygrrr

    thygrrr Member

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    Kinetic Energy Weapons.

    i.e. something small and hard that's really fast (armor piercing bullet), or something heavy that's at least moderately fast (Asteroid).

    Kinetic energy increases with the velocity squared and proportionally to the mass, so speed is more of a factor than mass. However, mass increases proportionaly to the volume, which increases proportionally to the radius cubed, so a 10m radius asteroid and a 100m radius asteroid actually are 1000 times less/more destructive, respectively.

    Doubling an objet's speed will make it 4x as destructive on impact, and 10x speed means 100x the kinetic energy.
    Last edited: May 7, 2013
  7. Tearor

    Tearor New Member

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    I think one of the other ways to destroy a planet should be pushing it into the sun, since that will cook a planet pretty fast and while its a slow way to die, its rather absolute.
  8. thygrrr

    thygrrr Member

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    Pushing big objects out of orbit to collide with the center of their orbit is nearly impossible.
  9. Tearor

    Tearor New Member

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    Not if you slow them down, a lack of speed meeds the orbit degrades and gravity causes the object to accelerate towards the center, I didn't say it was fast and a big object like a planet will take a long time to slow down and cause to fall, but it causes absolute destruction.

    The same thing could be done to a moon to cause it to fall.
  10. mcodl

    mcodl Member

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    Well if you would want to do it the hard way then: instead of smashing the asteroid you could affect the planet's orbit and guide it eventually to its parent star.

    If we'll have some orbital mechanics present you could achieve that by flying the asteroid pass the planet in a specific way.

    The same aproach was actually proposed should there still be humans (or some other civilization) on Earth when the Sun starts to go to the red giant stage. Of course in this case the goal was to get Earth further away :) .

    PS: Sorry if this wasn't really descriptive but my English language level doesn't cover terminology from orbital mechanics. So feel free to correct my generic description.

    EDIT: removed redundant "instead"
  11. numptyscrub

    numptyscrub Member

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    Yes and no, as mentioned above, enough of a velocity change means that your current orbit is no longer stable, and unless you can fall into another stable orbit you will eventually either degrade into a collision (reduced velocity compared to stable), or fly free into the void (increased velocity compared to stable). This could however take a few million years to accomplish, which is pretty irrelevant in the timescale of a PA combat ;)

    Personally, I'm now also toying with the idea of a giant Galactus / Unicron unit that looks like an intergalactic Pac Man. Poppin' planets like power pills, oh yeah :cool:

    I'm going to need to make a list of all these units somewhere, just to see all the mods I never ended up making for this game :oops:
  12. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    I can only imagine a player trying to do this to another's planet by building planet engines, except the other player sees this and combats it with engines of his own, and it becomes a battle of the home player trying to maintain the same amount of engines while the other player tries to build more.

    And them one of them gets all their pgens destroyed...

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