The Sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Lucky13, December 30, 2010.

  1. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i mained assault on 360, sniper and assassins were no problem the assault is the biggest counter to the sniper i would only have trouble with them if i would just walk out my spawn and get killed by a sniper sitting in his base, then i would just take a different route and kill him, they are not hard to deal with but they are so set on just killing other pro's it is stupid.

    i did NOT play the game when it first came out, look at my join date, i joined around 2-3 days before i got the game, and for the whole noob thing, if your on the forums read some guides so you know how to help benefit your team rather then pull them down, im sick of seeing this whole "you think you're better because your a veteran" no i don't think im better i just think that the new people should go read some guides and actually try and be better rather then just be some useless person doing nothing, im sick of arguing with all you people.
  2. superjoe

    superjoe New Member

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    They really need to do something about sniper on the pc version. The class is incredibly unfair in the hands of a good player, and with the way a lot of maps are designed it makes it very hard to move anywhere without getting quick scoped. I think the sniper rifle needs a complete rework or something, at least a delay between scoping and firing, recoil, a dumb charge mechanic, pulling him out of the scope after every shot or something. Idk

    I'd just really like to be able to get out of my base as a gunner without getting OHKO'd by some sniper on the other team 8/
  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I call bullsh!t. The headshield doesn't work and on most maps you simply can't approach from a weird angle without getting one-shotted first. The only way to get to a sniper as gunner is to use the mortar from a position where you can lob your rounds over cover. There are very few spots that allow this.
  4. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    This. As it stands deplyment = insta death even if it's lv3 or not (all this does is change headshot damage from 100% to more like 80%...but really when a sniper can just body shot you twice anyway without gold armor, this really changes nothing but denying them a few extra bucks for headshot kill. ) and the only GOOD way to attack back is with the modars.

    Steel Peel thought I think is a farly balanced stage sniper wise, playing as a gunner or otherwise as they can't just camp 24/7 and expect to do well, far too many different paths leading to the central dome that then leads to a ton of rape. AmmnoMule, and Granadeiii thought...ugh...and more UGH...

    ...Spunky cola has issues beyond sniper camping thought. SO MANY MORE.
  5. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Go Sniper, pop their f'in' cherry, taunt, leave.
  6. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Let's break it down and answer piece by piece...

    So your point is: "I didn't have trouble with snipers using a 360 Controller, why would I have problems with them now that they use a mice?"
    if they are not, I don't see why you keep whining they're so annoying... You are contradicting yourself.
    My bad then. :(
    Okay now this is just rude. I have no idea where you pulled that from since I mentioned nothing about noobs or pulling my team down, read some guides just because I am on the forums??? You haven't even seen me play and you're already sending me off like I know nothing. Drop the attitude will you?
    then there are other ways to tell them. If they do bad you can suggest in a proper manner that they go read the guides on the forums, if they refuse the offer and want to learn the hard way... Let them. I don't see why you should bother with that in the first place?
    If you're sick of arguing, drop the attitude.

    This guy said some great stuff... Except for the gunner about deploy 3:

  7. Demitros

    Demitros New Member

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    Yeah, this guy can't play a Gunner.
  8. epyx

    epyx New Member

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    less qq more pew pew

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