You saved my life.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mattyinternaught, May 5, 2013.

  1. mattyinternaught

    mattyinternaught New Member

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    First of all explaining the title, I just wanted to say you saved me from eternal boredom. After accepting the harsh fact that there was not going to be a Supreme commander 3 I would often just sit there and play Supreme commander 2 and try to enjoy it. When I figured out this was going to be made I looked at the trailer and thought "Wow I wonder what crap this is going to be, it will likely be a 2D game or something worthy of facebook" (Not that there's anything wrong with 2D games). I knew how good it looked and didn't think it would actually be like that and you know how lots of trailers exaggerate, just look at the Dark orbit trailer.

    Actual game

    There's nothing wrong with Dark orbit except the fact the trailer displays everything it's not.

    Enough of me going on time for the questions.

    So I'm not sure if questions are allowed here but I didn't see anything in the rule section, I might just be blind. I also might ask some questions that have already been answered so just bear with me, I did just get back from looking at the "Confirmed, suggested and unconfirmed list of features" and just got over my fit because of the amount of cool things there.

    Ok then questions!

    1. Just like Supreme commander will there be experimental units, for those who do not know what experimental units are, they're elite units that cost a bunch of resources and are big powerful and only buildable by research and special factories.

    2. Will there be different ways of the AI, to expand on that. In Supreme commander the AI was definitely not the best, there were not really any tactics from them, except the only tactic they knew which was each time they fail just make the army bigger, that would keep happening until the game just got really weird and unplayable.

    3. How will the research work, will there be a Tech tree or special units or factories you have to build and how will you obtain research points, by waiting maybe? or combat maybe structures/units?

    I hope there are answers to these questions, and I'm sorry for the tl;dr.

    Typing on new keyboard sorry if there are some spelling mistakes/ weird letters I missed when reading over.
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    There might be some at some point in the future, but experimental units are not part of the basic concept that PA currently follows.

    Do you know the "sorain-AI"? It was a pretty good AI-mod for Supreme Commander that improved many of the deficiencies you are talking about. The guy who made that AI is working on the AI for PA. In the end of the day the AI will stay an AI, though. I doubt it will be able to constantly adapt to human players.

    no tech tree of the SupCom2-kind. Afaik PA goes for different Factories with 2 Techlevels, similar to what TA did.
  3. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    PA is refined TA on a planetary scale. Simple as that. Play TA and you'll know what you can expect.
  4. hotho11owpoint

    hotho11owpoint New Member

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    Shameless plug:

    Since you seem to want to try to enjoy SupCom2, but feel it fell short, give my mod a shot:

    It changes the whole dynamic of the game, many saying units seem to play a lot more like FA (movement and turning speeds, projectile speeds, size and scale), while maintaining a lot of the easier to use and fun aspects of SupCom2 (auto-veterency mass extractors, research tree, experimentals that do more that just 'more damage or more armor'), and adding a lot of new things like new units, new abilities, new research tree unlocks, and more. Games seem to last 15 to 45 minutes often involving thousands of units, instead of the 4-15 minutes of a normal SupCom2 game where you may hit a few hundred.

    I hope it extends your enjoyment of SupCom2, it has for about 90% of the people that have tried it and I have gotten feedback from.
  5. veta

    veta Active Member

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    is there a mod for supcom2 that makes maps not tiny? everyone says it was an alright game and while i felt FA was needlessly complicated in many regards supcom2's scale bothered me so much i never gave it a shot.
  6. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Most mods just make the units smaller as they have no map editors, thus artificially increasing their size.
  7. veta

    veta Active Member

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    i'd imagine youd have to slow unit speeds down as well. i didn't realize they lacked mapping tools, that's a shame.
  8. mattyinternaught

    mattyinternaught New Member

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    I wish I could but I bought Supreme commander 2 on disc and not on steam and the mod manager glitches, I wanted to get this and the revamp mod but I don't know how and they're no tutorials I could find.
  9. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    It is indeed, and yes unit speed changes have been made, even in vanilla the latest supcom2 patch did this as well, making units smaller to make the maps bigger.
  10. hotho11owpoint

    hotho11owpoint New Member

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    The Steam version and disc version are the same (thats why when you install the disc version Steam will come up with it).

    As long as you have the Infinite War DLC, you should not have a problem installing the mod using the directions found in the 'installation instructions and changelog.txt' file included in the download, or for the same information worded differently, click here: ... -0-1-3-mod

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