This is a really innovative feature of Smite. They have skins for X amount of time streamed for example needing no external client. Something to add to the PA feature list down the road?
a good idea; especially for 20 players battle: having 20different points of view would be awesome ^^; way much better than a SCII streaming
Since the Ui is Webkit based it shouldnt be hard i believe. Also nice would be, to watching theese Streams ingame.
LoL its not, or at least it doesn't matter, because you could watch theese anyway, the only difference is that you can see it easier, by not needing 2 monitores or closing the game... Another suggestion for build in streaming: build in delay between 3-10 minutes.
As long as the FPS is not limited and the streaming feature doesn't use an extra 50% of CPU, I'm all in for the feature! I have nothing against third party streaming either, OBS is a pretty awesome free program and even for 480p, the quality is pretty great. I wish I could afford internet for 720p streaming though, may impact my streaming quality greatly :cry:
If the presenter is playing on a really beefy PC commenting on a game larger than your PC can handle then watching a video makes sense. It is an interesting idea, though I'm not sure if to play a Twitch stream requires flash or not. We have a WebKit based UI, but it's purely HTML5, no Flash.
I believe Planetside 2 also implements the ability to stream right to twitch from the game. Also record an upload to the youtube. Good feature
Some people like watching live streams, hearing the live chat in a 2v2, or 1 player's commentary as they try ladder games.
Has been in Planetside 2 for a long time. Streaming and uploading to Youtube. Pretty easy to use either. Also: Hi Sleepy!
considering html5 is slowly attempting to remove flash entirely, this might not actually be a BAD thing.
Huh. Actually, might be worth another discussion: could they format replays to be uploadable to youtube? Would save me having to use Afterburner every time
Doing replays that upload to YouTube would be possible, just like doing uploads to; they're both just recording the screen w/ or w/o mic audio and uploading to the streaming / video service of your choice. Certainly reasons enough to allow for that, though both methods already have a plethora of tools to do this for you without needing to build it into the game. The question is would building these systems into the game give some benefit or feature above what the existing tools would allow?