Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and arm)

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by mojo3911, May 4, 2013.

  1. mojo3911

    mojo3911 New Member

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    i really enjoyed total annihilation and have played an insane number of hours. i enjoyed bot playing as and against other factions i really hope they put at least 2 factions. i know that its alot of work and i would do it if i knew how to mod. but i wanted to know wether you people agreed. :?:
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    No, there is not. It's been discussed many many times before.

    Uber is happy for you to mod your own factions in, but they're not going to spend money on doing it themselves.
  3. ComradeCastro

    ComradeCastro New Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Hi, I know this has been discussed elsewhere but I saw it here, so...

    About there only being one faction; is that to say that the only difference between armies will be the player-chosen colour? Or will they perhaps be the same units/structures but with a different appearance/skin, like the commanders?

    If it's still officially undecided, personally I think there is a lot of appeal in having multiple factions, at least on a visual level. Fair enough, in terms of how units behave and compare it makes total sense for them to be equal, but I also think it is important to distinguish between armies in more ways than simply the players' colour.
  4. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    I don't want to take Knight's job :mrgreen: away, but look here. Under multiple unit pools.

    As for the short answer: The only difference will be the player colour (2 of them) and the chosen commander (commanders have different abilities). Anything else will be the same.

    No different visuals, as the reason for the single unit pool is to save work. Having different models would defeat the purpose behind a single faction then.
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    To be frank, I'm gettign tired of answer this question.

    Short Answer NO, it completely counters the benefits of doing a single faction in the first place.

    See this thread for more info.

  6. xcupx

    xcupx Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    This is certainly getting rediculous, it seems like a new one of these pops up every other day. It's like Caboose from Red Vs Blue.

    "What are they doing?"

    "You just asked me at 5 minutes ago! They're still just standing there, and they're still just talking! So when you ask me, 5 minutes from now, what're they doing? They're still just standing there and they're still just talking!!!!"

    "What're they talking about?"


    Here is a search showing everything factions:
  7. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Ya, makes me wonder if some of these people even read the confirmed features list...
  8. syox

    syox Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    We just need more moderation here. Close such threads. Done.
  9. ComradeCastro

    ComradeCastro New Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Thanks for the warm and constructive welcome guys.
    You do all know that it's still in the pre-alpha stage, and they have encouraged discussion on any/all topics? Doesn't hurt to bump a topic like this in the Backers Lounge. Just saying...

    A genuine thanks, smallcpu, that was an informative reply to my post :)
  10. thapear

    thapear Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    The warm and constructive welcome was because you didn't even bother to read the "Confirmed Features List 2.0" thread before posting a question that has been asked and discussed at least 10 times. Please, read some informational threads before you post.

    Aside from that, there is no reason whatsoever to post this thread in the backers Lounge.
  11. AfroSpartan

    AfroSpartan Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    I was under the impression that there was going to be a load of units since that's what they said at first. But it doesn't seem like there will, which is pretty disappointing...
  12. dogtag93

    dogtag93 New Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    The fact that a good number of people are asking if there is going to be another race means that people aren't keeping up with forums. However if there are a large percentage asking and a large percentage wanting another race than maybe it's something Uber should consider. Maybe not for Alpha or even the release but maybe as a type of expansion pack later on in the year if people still want it.
  13. ComradeCastro

    ComradeCastro New Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    For starters, I did indeed read that post beforehand, and the specifics of my question are not answered in it. My question stems from a question raised in an online interview that Uber had with 'The Cynical Brit', that can be found on YouTube.
    Also, there's every reason to post this in the backer's lounge (though I didn't create this topic myself), for the same reason dogtag93 states. The more these topics are discussed here, the more Uber may take notice and consider additions to the game.

    Something for everybody to consider when criticizing forum posts in the future, I think.
  14. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Just because something is popular, doesn't mean it should automatically be considered.

    Thank goodness too, otherwise this would be game design by committee, rather than by a visionary.
  15. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    You don't even know what the Backers Lounge was supposed to be for do you? It was meant as a place for Uber to show things to use and get feedback of those things. Don't get the wrong idea and think that Uvber ignores things in the General Discussion Subforum or that posting it in the Backers Lounge makes it more important.

    Also no matter how many people WANT something doesn't mean it should happen, do you even know why they're only doing 1 Faction? To save money and deliver a better product.

    Factions are Expensive. Art Assets cost a lot of money, if the faction is different there is way more balancing that needs to happen. Uber is working on a tight budget, so lets say they can only Produce 100 units in total, instead of trying to make 2 Factions of 50 work, they're focusing on making 1 faction with a fully fleshed out Unit selection that ensures you'll have an answer to any situation, on any planet/Biome Type you could possibly end up on.

    What are you basing this off of? Don't forget that they have a lot of core unit types they need to create for; Land, Air, Naval, Orbital, Structures, Commanders.

    I'm going to assume you're basing this off the Whitebox Pics which shows a Total of about 33 Units and about 41 Structures. Neutrino stated that those with the MINIMUM units they felt they needed to begin working out how the Core gameplay would work and that they would be adding things as they found they needed them.

  16. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    While it may not have been discussed in that thread, it has been discussed in others. The official answer is one faction. Posting over and over again isn't going to change that (although the MWO forums don't seem to realize this).

    Apologies if you feel like this was all done out of hostility: it hasn't, but the parameters in your thread have already been addressed. Multiple times. It's nothing personal, it's simply that the question itself has gotten stale.
  17. dogtag93

    dogtag93 New Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    I do not assume that anything popular is instantly going to be considered and applied to the game. On the other hand I "hope" popular things have the ability of being seen and possibly considered. I fully acknowledge that we shouldn't always get what we want, Bungie made that mistake. It's up to Uber to really decide, they are the Pros, I just want the possibility to bounce ideas off them. I understand why they only want to one faction and I wouldn't expect them to make another on their current budget. Wouldn't a better option to end the dispute about factions is to have an open thread (not saying there isn't one already I haven't check) and get peoples honest opinions about the subject. If there appears to be a demand for it than make it another stretch goal in a similar way the experimental bot was going to be. If the money is there for it, great! I'll throw money at it, I don't mind spending another $20-$30 for it. If time is of the issue make it an update, I don't mind waiting a few months. I never liked the idea of only one faction, it didn't break the game for me but I would much prefer the option of fighting some one that looks different than me. That's just my opinion. Unless there are technical reasons why they don't want 2 factions, than I don't see a reason not to add them if the money and time is there. But it's up to Uber Lords to decide.
  18. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Define "Open Thread" because every thread is open. With maybe the slight exception of threads in the Backers Lounge as they are limited to Backers.

    I think it's weird to assume that the guys at Uber didn't consider the options when they made the choice in the first place and that what some think they want should change that choice.

    Problem is that so many of the ideas/arguments for Additional factions aren't based on anything beyond the fact that it's what they want. 80% of the ideas that have been posted run counter to the reasons we're getting a single faction to begin with, Time and Money. The rest run counter to other key aspects like readability.

  19. dogtag93

    dogtag93 New Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    Sorry, what I mean by open thread is an official thread created by someone at Uber in a similar fashion to how Garat got opinions about the Experimental bot. I'm sure they did think about more factions at one point or another, but what they might not have considered is if there is a large portion of people willing to pay extra to get another faction in. Again similar to the Experimental bot. In a way you are right, there isn't much to argue about another faction, beyond the fact that it's what people want, but if people are willing to pay for it (and Uber is willing to take on the dirty work) why does it matter? To me, it adds in a little more variety to the gameplay, and it makes me feel like I'm actually fighting an enemy, something different to what I am. It's minute yes, but I'm willing to pay for it.
  20. ComradeCastro

    ComradeCastro New Member

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    Re: Is there going to be more then one faction. (core and ar

    I don't think there's any need to be quite that patronizing, but yes, yes developing multiple factions is expensive; which is why I was asking whether or not they would simply have different skins available, like the commanders, as a kind of cheap alternative to completely unique factions. I was pointing out that there is some value in distinguishing between two armies beyond the players colour, however subtle.
    Thinking about it though, I suppose Uber would leave that to the modding community after launch. Still, the question was a valid one.

    Oh and when you say "no matter how many people WANT something doesn't mean it should happen", I kinda agree, but then again if it wasn't for the community repeatedly asking Uber for naval over and over, there would be NONE (they said it themselves).
    That is why I think it is still productive to discuss some of these things, however repetitive it may become, and I don't think it really matters whether it's posted in the Backer's Lounge or the General Discussion Forum. If I find some posts/topics tiresome I find it's usually better to just ignore them.

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