Uber's involvement on anything MNC.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by teapot, May 3, 2013.

  1. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Yeah, we knew they were done with MNC a while ago, but apparently they're done with SMNC too? I knew they had their new kickstarter game coming up, but I was browsing the PC section and it looks like the rest of the bugs/fixes in the game are from a community user named Lenard who has worked very closely with uber over the last year and a half.

    Turns out they gave him all the dev tools to make fixes and patches. He works on them then submits them for approval and they get updated periodically from there.

    I was wondering how something like this would work on xbox? I can only imagine it's incredibly difficult and there would be no feasible way any new content or fixes out for console, but does anyone have experience with this?

    For example, Halo 1.5 is an updated version of Halo CE, that removes the shitty maps and replaced them with new maps created by Insidious. (made one of the most famous montages, not most skillful though. Look up Maptacular)

    It's easier for people to download those files to a modded xbox then use them with no risk over XBC. I'm sure we'd all get banned the second we sign onto live if we had modded 360's with modded content.

    Either way, it sparked my interest because I figured if Uber's small team was able to put out what it did, how hard would it be for someone who has a lot of experience on their engine to make various changes. Removal of outside turret hubs, team change options, **** even some new maps.

    I PM'd Eka earlier in the week asking if there was anyone I could talk to who coded the multiplayer, or who was the lead designer that oversaw mechanics and physics. I haven't heard back yet, and might not now that I know Uber's not really around anymore.
  2. killien

    killien Active Member

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    I'm sure someone would be able to keep updating XBox MNC, the problem is getting said updates past MS's cert and update fee, which seems to average around $50,000
    I doubt MNC on both systems combined brings in enough to warrant that price tag. Assuming that $50k fee is accurate, you'd have to get ~5000 brand new players on XBL alone just to pay the fee
  3. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Yeah my hope for this is past slim to none.. it's more just none. I was more curious as to if anyone had the potential to actually create new content, despite certification processes.

    New purchases, kickstarter, etc... we probably still wouldn't reach $50,000. I can't think of a way to mod your xbox, download the content, then play online in private matches without M$ detecting the console, but that's usually a decent way to distribute user made content.

    I was really curious to see what mechanics were used in MNC. For example the sniper looks like it would be hitscan but on when the lag is real bad it seems like it would act as a projectile based weapon.. which doesn't make any sense. I'm hoping for Eka to get back to me with at least a few answers.
  4. notgunked

    notgunked Active Member

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    They should start a kickstarter for SMNC on the xbox. I would pay 1200 points for it and any dlc. I just didn't like the pc. Honestly i dont want mnc updated. The game is great how it is even with the spawn motars, insta-strikes, etc. I love it all.
  5. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I'm looking for less major over hall update, but more tweaks and options that we've been wanting. More private match options, (team change!) maybe options to turn off all bots, tweak which classes can spawn bots, change the cool down timers or amount of bots. modify weapon damage and use back end tweaks for hitboxes and movement.

    It's basically tools to give us the options to switch what we want.

    Those wouldn't be enforced in an update other than that we have the options to switch them in custom games, while public stayed true to it's formula.

    Really though I just want some more playable maps (spunky FTL)
  6. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    Uber should just sell the rights to MNC and let another company work on a sequel, possibly a full disc game.
  7. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    Ekanaut's response to that was something like "if only it were that easy... :roll: "
  8. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    He seems to think it is that easy for Microsoft to take all the rights for free so why not?
    It would be stupidly easy to hire a company to do it on a contract though - they lose nothing, and it only comes out if they approve of it. If they want to do that, I have a team that can do it.
  9. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    All I've wanted from the beginning was something in the career section that tells you how many kills you've gotten with bots. I don't even care whether or not there are tags for them; I just want to see how many people I've killed with Scramblers.

    And be careful when you wish for more maps... I'm pretty happy about the lack of Uncle Tully's Funland or w/e it was called.
  10. missionaryposition

    missionaryposition Member

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  11. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    It really isn't that easy.
  12. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    and that guy was comparing the pull of microsoft to Uber. = lol
  13. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Just let it go...
  14. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    But I need Humiliation and Insta-strike career milestones. :cry:
  15. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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  16. sorewawatashi

    sorewawatashi New Member

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    Any discussion about the future of MNC should die and Uber should get their damn priorities straight on which game they want to work on.
  17. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    well right now it's easy to tell: PA
  18. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Cool. I am not a fan of RTS games, but there is certainly a market for it. I wish them much success.
    iammclovin117 likes this.

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