K/D farming forumers.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Lagoon7, December 31, 2010.

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  1. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Is getting annoying.

    Not gonna call anyone out, but you guys (as in your whole team) really shouldnt stand there near our spawn repeatedly killing us while the bots slowly kill our ball.

    Really disgusting behavior :( .

    EDIT: Not to mention this kind of behavior steers new players away from the game. Yes, your hurting the game.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    It's part of the game, man.
  3. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Stay in your spawn and let the game end, then. Stop feeding them kills.
  4. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Damn forumers. They should put up a wall or something.
    That way they can't get in and take kills that other people should be getting.
  5. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Silly me, thinking the objective was to kill the moneyball. Guess i missed the section in the "HELP&OPTIONS" where they mentioned spawncamping.

    I don't like giving up, even in circumstances like that. Im quite stubborn. Also i hate it when teammates give up and stay in spawn, because the teammates that haven't given up are now down a man.

    I hate it even more then when people spawncamp.

    The reason i put "forumers" in the title, is because everytime i see it happening, it involves people from the forums.

    I have yet to be involved in a spawncamping game that didnt.

    But not all "forumers" do it, ive had a few good games with some that were straightforeward games and tons of fun.
  6. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    I won't name anyone but I recently went through a deleting spree of K/D farmers or spawncampers. Though I still have some on there and added some. Need to go delete more now that I think of it. That, and huge ego people. I get it, your internet penis is huge. But you know what, mine is huge too, big, hairy and imaginary. Now stop telling me yours is bigger :p
  7. mute

    mute New Member

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    It is a problem. I won't say I'm 100% innocent.. but to deny that it is a problem from time to time is absurd. I'm honestly glad I got the game when if first came out because if I had the demo and I got pubstomped repeatedly by some "team", or spawn camped like many unnamed people do (and try to defend... wtf).. theres no way I would have gotten the game. Spawn camping is a problem in any game, but not generally a whole team doing it.. which happens pretty often in MNC. Theres been several games I've been in where the team I'm on (random or not) starts acting that way and I'll quit because I don't want to be associated with that trash.
  8. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    I'm not innocent of the occassional K/D farming or even the rare spawnkills, but I don't like when people can't own up to it. I have K/D farmed and spawnkilled on occassion and I am NOT proud of myself and I can admit I've been a total DB. Heck I'm sure people on here can attest to my DB'ness. We all have moments, some longer or shorter than others. I was a total DB in my last post on here, I can admit that, I can also admit I don't like I was that way.
  9. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    Give this a try, but watch out for Support players who airstrike you while in spawn. So stand near the doors, but watch out because gunners mortars and assaults bombs can hit you through the spawn doors if you're too close... so really, you aren't safe anywhere... Here's a better option, just quit and look for another game.
  10. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    You're safe in the back of your base.
  11. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Spawn camping is really annoying. When I am in enemy territory, I try to use good, but fair, tactics. Spawn camping is really stupid. A lot of people do it, so you have to figure out a counter.
  12. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    If my team is doing it, i just kill the ball like im supposed too. Then they get pissed at me :cry: .

    A whole team spawncamping is super lame, the only class that should be doing that is gunner and maybe assault, because pro killing is what their class is supposed to do. The rest should be on the ball while the assault/gunner has them stuck in spawn.

    Nobody is 100% innocent of spawncamping and by all rights they shouldnt be, keeping the enemy stuck in spawn while your team takes down the ball is a great strategy.

    What im ticked about is when a whole team willingly camps the spawn and intentionally avoids harming the moneyball so they can try to farm some K/D.
  13. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    When I play against my friends or people in my party I spawncamp them to raise their blood pressure. Assuming I can reach it of course.
  14. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    I specifically pick on friends or party members in seperate team games. After who can we kill for fun if we can't do so to friends? That stab in your back just means I love you much I want to send the very best. Granted I play with really good people so they own me a lot but if I get one kill on them I am so happy :D
  15. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Well of course its a different story if they are your friends. I do everything i can possibly do to piss my friends off also when we get split up. Of course they do the same for me also... bastards...

    Its much fun.
  16. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Going for winning in that case goes by too fast. Besides kills are more satisfying than getting a quick win. Having someone beat you with a quick win is an insult.
  17. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Im not saying you cant prolong the match time, when i group up with friends and we are dominating too hard, we sometimes back up and let them push a bit. If you want to prolong the match that is up to you.

    I also sometimes give the enemy team advice if were not in a party after the match, some people get all rude and refuse to take any advice but some do take the advice and get noticeably better in a short amount of time.

    What is a real insult, is being camped in spawn while your moneyball is down yet they arent attacking it.

    Not only is it rude, it is also no fun at all and it is also a huge insult since it seems like the enemy team sees you as just free kills to be farmed up and are so certain of their win that they dont even need to try to win... at least thats how it seems to me.

    Ending it quick is a way of ending the pain quicker.
    Last edited: December 31, 2010
  18. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    The only thing insulting is when they kill you right out of the spawn door and duck behind that glass to taunt.


    At that point I sit in spawn and taunt. You may win, but you're not padding a meaningless stat on me. I'll even go out, jump off the map and switch to sniper to obnoxioustaunt.

    SHOW YOUR HEART New Member

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    Its just a game, bro. Woosah.

    Until uber puts a legit feature to prevent it.. ish always gonna happen. Its not a huge deal to find a different game if people aren't being nice to you in your current match.
  20. slingshot279

    slingshot279 New Member

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    so your telling me if my whole team is on a 20+ kill streak and our bots are raping your ball, we should just go for the ball and let you guys kill us? lol.

    (not gonna happen)

    just because the whole enemy team is in your base and you happen to die doesnt make it a spawn kill you know. your the one who walks out and fails to kill them, repeatedly.
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