It's not as much keyboard vs. controller as it is mouse vs. controller. I prefer mouse since I don't like having my turning speed limited. I feel really gimped when I can't check behind my back without slooooowly rotating around.
that is one thing about PC its a lot more twitch for most things, you can have fairly fast movements on a controller if you put the sensitivity right up but its not needed.
Even with the sensitivity at max it takes way too long to turn around just if you want to glance behind you or something. Some games have a rear view button which I like, but it still feels like a compromise. I tried Quake on the 360 recently, and even though the sensitivity there is fairly high it's almost impossible to rocket jump without investing a good full second in it. Shieldjumping in Unreal Championship 1 for the Xbox was extra impossible since you want to look behind you as well.
is this even serious, OP uses a 360 controller cos he plays on an xbox, as would the other 2/3 people that voted for it, anyone who uses a 360 controller for a pc fps is completely stupid. Don't get me wrong i have two wireless 360 controllers but they're used for driving games, games that require no skill (fallout), saints row type games or for when my console friends come round and they can play using a pad cos they cant use kb and mouse.
It's been proven that Mouse is better than Controller, for the simple reason that with a mouse, you can turn so much more faster and accurately then with a controller. And if you don't believe me, read this:
I tried playing both ways (mouse and controller). Since I started on the xbox and still play on xbox at night, I prefer the controller. I already made a thread about this but NOT ALL CONTROLLER ARE EQUAL. I was getting pwned with the cheapo Gamestop xbox knockoff controller (horrible analog sticks). I bought a MS gamepad at lunch today and I'm back to my normal self.
It's a matter of preference not intelligence and I was just curious what the spread is like. And actually, I played PC games with a 360 controller years before I got an Xbox. I don't like playing PC games (including shooters) with a keyboard. That's just me. Does it put me at a slight disadvantage? Yes. Do I care enough to learn a whole new control scheme? Nope. I still have fun and am able to beat people who do use keyboards. And as a bonus, all that muscle memory playing with a 360 pad transfers to the console.
it puts you at a huge disadvantage, and being happily at a huge disadvantage seems pretty stupid to me
Sniping? Absolutely. I agree 100% (and have headshot wounds to prove it). It's almost ridiculous. Other classes? I'm not sure the difference is THAT huge. Aiming is pretty easy at close and mid-range. Unless you're shooting with your eyes closed it's hard to miss your target. I'm definitely not good but I've never really been out-aimed in a gunfight; only out-strategized. I'm sure you have more experience so I must defer to you. Am I missing something? Do you think there is the same HUGE difference at close and mid-range with other classes as in sniping?
yes the difference is huge, i can jump/run past you, turn around and start shooting you before you can turn around
I'd say the difference is bigger for 'tracking' type weapons that fire continuously like the afterburner and assault rifle than the sniper. On a gamepad I find it much easier to hit with a sniper type weapon than to keep someone locked in with weapons like the quake lightning gun for more than a split second.
When I play on my laptop I use mouse+kb, but I do most of my gaming on a dedicated gaming/media rig that uses my 65" tv as a monitor. It's just not comfortable to me to use a mouse and keyboard when kicked back on my couch, so I use a 360 controller. I wish there was some sort of 360 controller kill icon, allowing people that die by my hands to feel extra bad about themselves.