Inspired in part by "Transport Macro System" topic What about being able to define a route as a first class entity (like a group of units or a location on the map) A route would be a series of way-points which was unconnected to any specific unit(s). Once defined this route would function as a set of way points that would be ad-hoc added to a group of units. - You would select one or more units and right click on one end of a route. - The units in question would follow the points as if they had been defined as part of their own queue. The key is that once used, the route would not disappear automatically and would therefore be available for reuse by other units. Like many things, routes would be an entirely optional feature that you wouldn't have to use, but might be useful when you wished to set-up a regular route. Just another couple of cents for the conversation.
Go one step further and define armies (as in the quick-select slots) as first class entities. have your factories feed into armies, select an army and give it a rendezvous/move attack order with a 20 unit requirement, simple, hands off. Units rendezvous at point A, then once 20 units are present at A they do a move-attack to B.
i think there was a mod or something in the past for FA that would associate all units of a factory queue (so even units built by assisted factories counted) to a hotkey.
That was FA. lol. Put a factory in a control+group, and all the units it produces are automagically put in that group.
This is a MUCH better alternative to the "call a transport from anywhere" idea. Setting an 'enqueue' and 'dequeue' point with things such as ferries, patrols, and other such movement commands that you can then order units onto by clicking the 'enqueue' point. I like it.
Just as a note, but this has been brought up before, adn if I recall correctly Neutrino agreed it was a good idea, but that the implementation might be tough for them, we haven't had any updates on that yet from what I recall. Mike
I'm not sure how different this would be from the orders as first-class entities concept. Since the route waypoints exist as their own entities, wouldn't that result in a persistent route?