Your endorsement loadouts

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by zarakon, December 30, 2010.

  1. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Here are the 3 I currently use

    - Gold: Speed
    I think speed helps the tank more than anything else. It helps you survive, helps you kill, and helps you farm cash faster. I want people to think "that tank is a f'ing demon!", and gold speed gets the job done.
    - Silver: Armor
    Combined with the passive skill, it's enough to survive a sword back-grapple or a headshot.
    - Bronze: Rate of Fire
    More damage, pretty obvious. Helps with killing and building up juice.

    - Gold: Armor
    What can I say, I like staying alive. Gunner builds up juice pretty slowly, so a long life is necessary if you want to juice up and go wreck the place (also known as winning the game). Staying alive to collect massive kill streaks can be one of the gunner's best ways of earning piles of cash, unlike those other fragile or suicidal classes.
    - Silver: Clip Size
    Avoid embarassing reloads before they happen! The gunner's minigun reload is one of the most agonizingly slow things in any game ever. I used to take endorsements like accuracy and RoF, but then I was amazed at how much better it felt to simply have more ammo to throw down the field.
    - Bronze: Reload Speed
    Goes along with the clip size to make the gunner an unresting siege machine. RoF or accuracy would also be decent choices here.

    - Gold: Armor
    With the assassin, you can one-hit-kill people with a back grapple. That's nice. But without extra armor, the number of moves that can one-hit-kill YOU is pretty ridiculous. Especially for the most suicidal class in the game. The way I play assassin involves taking damage frequently, and with gold armor it's usually not enough to kill me all at once. Hit and run only works if you're still alive for the "run" part.
    - Silver: Speed
    I want to be everywhere at once. The worst thing for an assassin is for the enemy to be able to keep track of where you are. When I'm playing well with the assassin, I'm running around all over the place, very unpredictable. Plus I got tired of feeling like an idiot running toward people and never quite getting in sword range.
    - Bronze: Rate of Fire
    More effective shuriken spam, and take down turrets quicker while juiced.
  2. Sodapopinski

    Sodapopinski New Member

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    - Gold: Rate of Fire
    I love my railgun, and to maximize its dps rate of fire is #1.

    - Silver: Armor

    - Bronze: Skill Recovery
    Charge and product nades are devastating for both destruction and escape, I want them as often as possible.

    -Sometimes I will switch it up depending on the map(mostly just spunky cola) and roll gold speed, in place of RoF.
  3. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    Gunner i run 2 setups the Gold Armor, silver RoF and bronze accuracy or gold RoF Silver accuracy and bronze clip size, basically only class i play on pc
  4. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    - Gold Reload Endorsement
    - Silver RoF Endorsement
    - Bronze Speed Endorsement

    I love roaming around up close with guns blazing. :D
  5. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    - Rate of Fire
    Makes the Jet Gun deal MUCH more damage, and makes the Rail gun a deadly weapon for every situation
    - Skill Recovery
    Tank's skills recover rather fast, but I don't want to wait too long before I can shove another grenade in someone's face.
    - Reload Speed
    Makes Death Blossom spam a viable tactic, and I tend to reload very often, to have a full clip incase of ambushes.
  6. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Sorry but I really don't think these are very efficient. Putting speed on a tank means your tank isn't doing its job. RoF and Armor are much more important, especially if you run Skill recovery because you get your Charges very quickly. Charge already makes the Tank a fast class.

    With a Gunner you do not need both reload speed and clip size, one of them is very redundant. Accuracy and RoF are easily the two most useful endorsements in the Gunner's arsenal.

    With the Assassin, I would assume that armor is unnecessary because in order to play Sin well,you have to be efficient and grappling in a dangerous environment means you are not being efficient. Speed would probably suit you better as a bronze because RoF buffs the sword tremendously.
  7. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Gold - Rate of Fire
    More chances to score a hit is good. If you're lucky you get to fire two rounds before they realize they're being shot.

    Silver - Armor
    Getting face stabbed by a sin and surviving is nice, and trading grapples right after is always a good way to kick/whack em' away.

    Bronze - Reload Speed
    More bullets in shorter time, also the SMG almost has less than 0.5 reload time which is an exceptional scanning tool for nearby sins if you were to hear the HUMZZZZZZZZ whenever she's close.

    Gold - Rate of Fire
    Devestating fast slashes, iLike.

    Silver - Armor

    1 on 1 duels against other assassins could mean they would face stab and OHKO you. With silver Armor, you can take TWO face stabs! Which lets you trade grapples if you didn't already grapple first!

    Bronze - Speed
    Movement speed. Efficient?

    Gold - You guessed it... RATE OF FIRE!
    I can't live without it...

    Silver - Skill Recovery
    I guess it's good? Isn't it?

    Bronze - Speed
    Now I am slightly in doubt about this build as I really don't know how to play a support properly... I do my best though.
  8. zar

    zar Member

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    I've been running for Assassin:

    Gold - Armor
    Being able to run away and survive from say a grapple or an overzealous Pro is awesome.

    Silver - Rate of Fire
    Slashing things faster is a good way to kill turrets, bots and Pros better.

    Bronze - Health Regen
    I like this because it allows me to cloak, stand still and help me get back into the game sooner, especially when I'm low on health in the middle of the enemy base.

    I might consider swapping my Gold and Silver to see if the faster slashing is worth the reduced survivability, but I really like this build.
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    What job do you think I'm not doing? The only job I don't do with tank is "lose the game".

    My assassin pushes lanes and wrecks turrets. Occasionally enemy pros will get in the way, so I'll kill them. Your idea of an "efficient" assassin who only goes for clean kills is the ineffective assassin that all the new players try to be.

    It's painfully obvious when an enemy assassin doesn't have an armor endorsement. They just die instantly to so many things. One charge, one deathspin, one shotgun blast, almost any grapple. IMO the default assassin is the worst just because of this.
  10. Ironheart

    Ironheart New Member

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    I run RoF/Armor/Skill on almost everything.
    Many guns (H/H and jetgun spring to mind) are just pathetic without gold/silver rof, so it's pretty much a must.
    Armor's there because assassin grapples irritate me.
    Skill's the best possible Bronze endorsement.

    Not really. You only get 5% reduction going from Bronze to Silver, and slightly more for Silver to Gold.
    You get most bang for your buck out of Bronze Skill Recovery.
  11. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    The job of the tank is to take damage and be the best CQC class in the game, there is no reason to put speed on it before RoF or Armor.

    Any assassin can still kill bots without Gold armor. I'm no Sin expert so my opinion may not mean much but my shotgun kills Sins whether they have gold armor or not.

    But if you do better with those endorsements then by all means use them. Creativity is what made this game amazing so more variety is better. If you wanna be realistic though, you will probably see better results with the other ones.
  12. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Really? How much does the base Bronze Skill Recovery grant? I'm not aware of the statistics for the endorsements to be honest. :)
  13. Demitros

    Demitros New Member

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    I run Assassin and Tank often.

    I actually have two load outs for Assassin. Skill/Armor/Regen and RoF/Armor/Regen. Skill is sometimes for early game. It depends on whether or not I feel we need more Pro Kills or I need to push harder honestly. You don't need more than armor 2 to survive a face stab from an enemy Assassin and since I spend most of the game cloaked, I don't have to worry about much else. Regen is good because when things get back, they get really bad. When you get away, you want to get right back in, since you know roughly where your enemy is.

    I'm a huge fan of RoF on Tank. RoF/Armor/Skill - it's just constant pressure and you can pick up speed drops relatively quickly. Product Grenade is KEY and Charge accounts for most of your mobility. Having a faster Deploy is a fringe benefit, because you can just hit it and regain your lost health and get back in the action. RoF is really for the rail gun - which is so awesome to farm and harass with.

    For Assault, I really like Crit/RoF/Accuracy. I think this is self explanatory, so I won't get into it.

    I can offer one little bit of advice. I didn't really read every one else's stuff, but you need RoF some where in your Gunner. It's less for Mini gun more for the Mortar. I mean, that's just me. Those are the most annoying things I come up against aside from good Assaults (they directly counter my two favorite classes). Armor is awesome, but you may want to consider putting it in Silver. Accuracy is also pretty good for tightening up that cone of fire. Makes you dangerous at long distances (but doesn't help with Mortar).
  14. noxiousg

    noxiousg New Member

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    Armor/Rate of fire/Health regen

    Armor/Health regen/Rate of fire

    Armor/Health regen/Clip size

    Armor/Accuracy/Rate of fire

    Armor/Health regen/Skill regen

    I have a sniper custom class as well, but I never use it and put little thought into it, so I will refrain from posting it here. I like armor and health regen. It suits my playstyle, which is flight rather than fight whenever it becomes obvious I may not survive an encounter. The armor lets me take the hits while I flee, and the regen means I do not need to break line of sight for long to heal up.
  15. Ironheart

    Ironheart New Member

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    Yes, I know it's a wiki. My personal experiences so far only approve of the numbers presented therein.
  16. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Find the .ini file buried deep in your directories; they are the TRUE answers you seek young man!

    Plus I haven't found it myself yet, but my mate has so it's there alright.
  17. Ironheart

    Ironheart New Member

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    Pulled out of context, that sounds zen.
  18. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Commenting on some of the tank and Assassin builds I've seen (I only play on console but I have extensive experience with both classes):

    Silver Armor is the most efficient armor slot for the tank. With Silver armor and passive 3, you can comfortably survive sword backstabs and tank a sniper headshot (non-crit). Gold armor does not give you many more practical benefits than silver other than surviving bullet spray weapons a bit longer.

    Gold RoF is the best consistent dps buff to both the long and short range tank weapons. Gold speed is an absolute blast, but really only viable in low-mid level games (mainly because a good RoF tank will upgrade his speed through speed drops rather than wasting a gold endorsement on it, meaning he will be just as fast as you AND will out damage you when he gets on a streak).

    Skill Recovery on bronze gives you 20% faster cooldowns, compared to only about 33% at gold. Bronze is all I ever needed to have charge up every 5 seconds and product grenade around every 6-7. The PC tank's charge was just hit by a really big nerf though, so some builds might actually place skill recovery in gold/silver now.

    Assassin: I've played with most of the known "top tier assassins" on the console forum, and they all run armor at gold or silver on their primary build. I used to main assassin and armor is absolutely necessary against any decent player. I don't care how much you try to Role Play a pure assassin, if you have too much pride to put on armor, you WILL get one shot by half the level 3 skills in the game every time you come up against a player with a headset/surround sound. You will take significant punishment in the bot lanes, you will be set on fire by death blossom, you will take fire while grappling someone (even if they were initially alone).

    Ideally, you never want to be seen. Realistically, you will seen, and you want to minimize the damage you will take through armor, grapple animations (which crowd control AND reduces the damage you take while in the animation) and smoke bomb animation (reduces damage taken, blinds nearby attackers, gives super jump). The assassin opens with a 1 shot nuke against a class, then soaks damage and focus while she escapes. The assassin without armor will only get the nuke off (if even that) before she is one shot herself.

    You want RoF in the sliver/gold slot that armor is not in. RoF significantly buffs every single one of your non grapple attacks. The launcher becomes way more effective, and you can solo a level 1 rocket turret in a single smokebomb duration.

    Bronze endorsement: This is where you have freedom. Some assassins prefer Skill recovery. Some prefer Speed. Some even run Crit (to buff the guaranteed critical damage the S-Launcher gets while leaving cloak 3).

    I run: Health Recovery [at the suggestion of Bolt Aktion]. Nothing increases your efficiency as an assassin more than bronze health recovery. Push, take damage, smoke bomb, regen health while landing (yes, its THAT quick), return to pushing. Repeat. It lets you farm juice much quicker even when a lane is under constant pressure.

    Hope this helps. :)
  19. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Thank you both!
  20. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I never even considered using health regen on assassin. Assumed it wouldn't be noticeable at bronze, and doesn't directly help in most fights. I'll give it a try though

    I don't think I can stand playing tank without speed.. I love the speed pickups, but despite how they're supposed to work I feel like I still occasionally revert back to being ridiculously slow. It's hard to argue against a nearly 50% dps increase from bronze to gold RoF though

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