Heya, watched the game client pre-alpha. I'm impressed, it's very much TA, and it looks like TA. This is good, the art style is nice and simple and I'm hoping it'll encourage the same wealth of units and mods. (Btw, I am one of those playing that game when I was 12 and it was awesome. I used to place wind turbines on hills thinking they'd get windier) Maybe it's premature for me to be asking for stuff at this stage, but it's anxiety calling me to do this: You had some construction planes, but when multiple ones were selected the build menu disappeared. Pretty please can you have it so when multiple constructors are selected, the build menu remains, and they can build as a group. The way I used to do it back in the olden days was have one constructor, and have all the others on guard mode. With units that didn't build (fark, and the third party construction towers) this was essential. I dunno. Am I asking for the moon on a stick here? With the progress you guys are making I won't have to wait long for the release candidate.
this was in supcom, i'm sure you'll be able to build as a group in fact there is a lot of support for orders as first class entities http://planetaryannihilation.wikia.com/wiki/Orders_as_First-Class_Entities_(OFCEs) which basically means your orders wouldn't disappear when you lose the lead engineer(s)
To alleviate your fears, they said the added the UI we saw about 3 days before the livestream. So basically they hurriedly put something together so they had something to show. I'm pretty sure you'll get all the functionality there was in TA and much much more in the final product then.
In supcom you could only see the build menu for the lowest tech level selected. I'd like to see the opposite, if you have 20 t1 fabbers and 1 t2 fabber then it should show t2 structures as well as t1 structures.
As far as flying engineers I'm not too hot on that one. I find that the only real obstacle for growing your power is not how much that power costs, but how quickly you can expand your economy to support that cost. Flying engies would allow that to be very quick.
If memory serves, the air constructors in TA could move relatively fast and go anywhere, but had a very low build speed. I think that's a worthwhile trade.
The other advantage with flying constructors is that you could have an arbitrary number assisting a factory (although ARM in TA could do much better by stacking as many FARKS as possible on a factory before wasting resources on air cons).
Don't forget that based on Scathis' proposed Eco system not only can Air Engineers have a lower buildrate, but also they could cost a much higher upkeep to power it's lathe. Mike
I hadn't thought this far. This idea makes much more sense to me. I to would like to see this. Often I ended up using the t1 (then late game, t2) on patrol whilst my new tech level group would do the building.