console version?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by slimexpert, April 29, 2013.

  1. paprototype

    paprototype Member

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    Supcom 2 was developed to be played on the console hence it was so incredibly crap to play on the PC.
  2. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    That's...wrong. And I could go back to the steam and gpg forums to bring up dev threads to prove this, but...well, let's just say the effort wouldn't be worth it.

    Anyway, I'm sort of glad that they aren't doing a console version. My bias comes from not having an xbox, probably, heck, the latest I have is a Wii. But still, ports haven't worked well from what I've seen. I remember trying out Assassins Creed II on the PC cause it was on sale on steam, and usually I'm not one to complain, but talk about total port right there (the control interface...why?). You can really tell when they don't do a good job translating from one system to another.

    Really, you'd be surprised what a computer can do that an xbox can't. Or, maybe you wouldn't be. Sorry for digging the console, and I certainly applaud efforts to try to bring RTS games to a mostly FPS system, but to me, PC wins hands down for RTS play.

    I remember from SC2, actually, that we PC people got quite a few updates, but there were only one or two major updates for the xbox version, because of Microsoft's apparently stringent updating process. It was a nightmare to deal with, I remember that.
  3. slimexpert

    slimexpert New Member

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    Well, I guess I will update my pc gfx then :D

    Thanks for the detailed info, interesting stuff doing all the DVD layers.

    I just read Xbox controller will most likely get a touch pad too, not sure how likely, we will see soon. I think a touch pad would be useful for scroll gestures only. I hate touch pads!

    What might be more fun is waving your arms around like a windmill with Kinect, that would be a real workout. :lol: though the head tracking stuff like in Forza 4 might be useful for auto-panning, maybe?

    SC2 had issues on Xbox, I understand the limitations of the platform, so, glad y'all are building something new. That said, I might have to connect my pc to the TV because that was the best bit of Xbox play, seeing it all play out on a really big screen. Big TV = Epic battles!

  4. Moranic

    Moranic Member

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    Supcom 2 on XBOX actually felt more complex than FA ever did. Mainly because you had a maximum of 250 units on the field :p. It was near impossible to build a proper base AND have a proper army walking around at the same time. You needed top notch strategy to build exactly what you want to crush the enemy. You really had to counter the enemy with every unit you had. Which was a near impossible task.
  5. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Then why is it dumbed down and has controls and UI suited only for console? A devs word is not truth, it is usually lie.

    As far as consoles go I feel the best RTS game is probably RUSE. The tabbed interface that can be easily accesed with the face buttons is probably the best possible interface for a gamepad, instead of trying to emulate mouse based point and click with an analog stick which is just painful.
  6. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    I hope not. Not ever. Don't waste your time Uber. Go big or go home, and PC is the only way to push that limit!
  7. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    This, this, this. I loathe the 'let's make a console game and put it on a PC, too' trend.
  8. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    The UIs are completely different.

    From the xbox 360 version:

    From the PC version:

    The UIs were completely different, and from what I remember, both games were developed independently of each other (It was so long ago, I can't find the source, but I will. I WILL).

    Complain about it as you want, but it wasn't a port.
  9. infowars

    infowars Member

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    No no please no!

    The console does not suit the RTS genre. Hell, I'd even say it doesn't suit FPS games (it's a tell-tale sign when a game needs auto-aim that the game is compensating for the controller)

    I like gran turismo, I like katamari. I've even played GTA4 on the ps3, but I wouldn't want a console port of an RTS or FPS game.
  10. calmesepai

    calmesepai Member

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    unless it changed developers have to pay MS or Sony to host the patch hence the lack of patches on the console
  11. vebyast

    vebyast New Member

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    I still think there's a niche somewhere for a bridged half-RTS half-simulation-FPS multiplayer game. PC users play an RTS on their computers with their fancy controls and super hardware that can run the entire world locally; users with less powerful computers or consoles play something like Mechwarrior or Mount and Blade (depending on the setting) with units built for them by the RTS players. RTS players get the advantage of having actual humans available to anchor their armies around, and if you go for something more like mechwarrior they might even get human-designed officer units. Console players get the advantages of organic objectives, much more tactically and strategically interesting gameplay than the modern gritty realistic shooter, and (if you want to be really silly with p2p connections) PCs to do the dedicated-server stuff.

    Even more silliness: set up a long-term FPS-side economy where FPS players build up their own 'mechs and handle all their own expenses (ammunition, 'mech construction at destination or orbital drop, repairs, etc). How do they make the money to do this? Simple: they auction off their services for RTS-side resources. Depending on how exactly you handle this, this could produce some seriously interesting gameplay mechanics and social dynamics, starting with "your opponent just bid X to hire Person Y; do you want to lodge a counter bid?". You could replace superunits and game-enders; some FPS players will inevitably decide to build ridiculously upgunned assault 'mechs, and if you're willing to bid the astounding quantities of resources they demand to field their walking deaths stars, they will smash open any turtle you can point at. If you have a system like Zero-K's PlanetWars that keeps some continuity between RTS games, you could even tie the two economies together, opening up things like "venture capitalist" FPS players that pay drop fees out of pocket to get in earlier than they would otherwise in exchange for exorbitant fees down the line.

    As before, utterly mad scheme, but might be interesting at some point down the line.
    Last edited: May 1, 2013
  12. veta

    veta Active Member

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    that sounds neat but it wont be this game
  13. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Battlezone style would probably be ideal for console actually.
  14. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    It really would.
  15. ucsgolan

    ucsgolan Member

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    Sacrifice was so wonderful RTS game for it, I am really sad for it was commercially unsuccessful.
  16. paprototype

    paprototype Member

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    The essence of what I am saying is that supcom 2 was changed a lot compared to FA because the game had to be playable on a console.
    I mean stuff like upgrades/number of units/unit variety of the races/tier system/size of units/size of maps/economy/the flashy my little pony look of the commanders with their bright colors/crappy story line/etc/etc.

    Overall it was smaller/easier/less complex/some might say noobed down.
    And with reason ... I do not see how it would be possible to play a game like FA on a console, how would one ever control the eco/units with a controller?
    Or have the overview over a large 4v4 map, let alone have the memory and the processing power to handle the units.
    (The next gen consoles are hardware wise probably capable to run a game like FA comfortably, but there will still be the controller)

    It is not all about the UI, it is a completely different game, it should not even have been named supcom 2.
    And even CT during the kickstarter of wildman has admitted they made some mistakes on supcom2: ... red_games/

    Ofcourse he does not say it was a console oriented game, but he talks about to small maps, no mod support.
    But those are both the result of not making it for the PC, for the fanbase he had from games like TA and Supcom/FA.
    Most likely this was done because the publisher wanted to be able to sell the game to a larger group of gamers.

    We should be very happy that PA is developed independently!
    The majority of the people here are simply astonished and extremly exited the kickstarter was such a succes.
    If there were a publishere we would probably have the same problem here.
    This time we as the dedicated fans of the genre have the chance to express ourselves here on the forum and help make PA a great game.
    This time there will be an engine/gameplay and UI that can get the most out of our PC's

    Sorry for the wall of text, you had me triggered, I was so exited when I heared for the first time there would be a supcom2 I pre ordered it instantly.
    Sadly, it turned out to be a great disaster.
  17. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    I'm with you there :) I apologize if I struck a nerve, but it got very tiresome to hear the same old "it's a console port" and "The graphics are dumb" over and over again since they didn't use the darn search bar. I just happened to like the game, so I suppose I get a little annoyed when the same arguments come back to haunt me ;). Don't get me wrong, there were certainly problems, and I'm betting that having a publisher was one of them.

    That being said, I'm much happier with the direction that PA is taking. I'm especially glad that it's PC (well, Computer, I guess those Mac guys count :p) only. Computers are so much better than consoles when it comes to performance, it makes me wonder why it's becoming a niche to be a PC gamer compared to them. Here's to PA being the game-changer that gets rid of idea that publishers are the only way to go.
  18. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    You quoted me for something zoughbaj said. :p
  19. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    SupCom was also ported to the console by the way, so to say that SupCom was changed specifically to fit a console is not true. ... 0commander
  20. mcodl

    mcodl Member

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    I don't know about XBox 720 or PS4... While the HW could potentially run it (if ported) you would probably have to hook up a keyboard and a mouse to it (or is there actualy a controller suitable for RTS games?).

    Piston (or how is SteamBox called now) should be capable of running it though without any kind of porting (in theory). With the controller limitations that is.

    PS: Am I also that old that when I see a word console I see a text terminal interface :D ? As I've read through the posts, I'm not the only one who thought that. And with a bit of AA-lib magic it should be able to run at least in a virtual terminal under an X-server session.

    EDIT: forgot to add the (if ported) in first paragraph

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