Greedy Uber Entertainment?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by xtri, April 30, 2013.

  1. yupalisk

    yupalisk New Member

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    The Kickstarter program was there to help them get funded.... the alpha/beta packages that are being sold now are for late-comers like me who are not always looking at the latest and greatest gaming news to find out about this. I only discovered this from looking at TA's wikipedia page (reminiscing) and saw the link to the kickstarter for Uber.

    No one put a gun to your head when you paid for your version (whichever it may be). Obviously you did because you're posting on the forums.

    I'm enjoying this new era of independent developers and am excited every time Uber shows us something they are not quite comfortable displaying: It shows us that they are willing to share ideas/raw footage that we never had the opportunity to see in the past. I wish all the games that I've loved were done in this fashion, though maybe not, I'd be a lot poorer!

    If you were glazed over by the kickstarter vid and bought it without a second thought, and are now regretting the purchase, all I can say is that you should make the most out of it and contribute, otherwise.....

  2. gficenec

    gficenec New Member

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    As said before, if you do not like the Priceing of the Game do not participate. it is your choice to pay for the access to the game before normal retail release. myself I am very excited to be a part of things early on, Please do not whine about things that you have a choice to do. Uber Entertainment Rocks.
  3. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    This is not communism, nobody made you pay anything.
  4. DarkraiOfDoom

    DarkraiOfDoom New Member

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    banana's! :mrgreen:

    dev's have basically worked out "hmm... so, generally people get payed to be alpha/beta testers... however, almost everyone wants to BE an alpha/beta tester... how about... we make THEM pay to be alpha/beta testers! that way, WE get money, and THEY get to play our game, have fun, AND give us feedback!"

    and thus everyone was happy.
  5. Azirahael

    Azirahael Member

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    I didn't pay $90 for Alpha/beta access.

    I paid $90 to get this awesome game, and to help out some cool rebel programmers.

    As a nice bonus, they threw in early access to the game for me, so i can see it develop.
    And so i'll have something to mess with while i'm waiting for the finished product.

    I'm happy.

    Thanks Uber.

    What i'm saying is, that i'm not paying for an unfinished game, i'm paying for a backstage pass, where i'll be able to see some unfinished stuff.

    Because i want it.

    Also txtri is being a troll.
  6. vidroth

    vidroth New Member

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    3 pages? 3 tasty, tasty pages of feeding the troll? Why are people giving him so much lulz? :cry:
  7. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Pretty much echoing what most everyone said.

    No one is forcing you to buy anything.
    If you paid more for alpha or beta, you wanted to be a part of shaping the game, wanted to pay for early early access to unfinished game play and/or wanted to support Uber in making this game more then the bare minimum.

    If not, buy the basic version and wait for it to come out.
    Last edited: May 1, 2013
  8. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Good Guy Garat; allows criticism of his company's business practices.

    This just reaffirms that my $90 pledge was money well-spent.
  9. zachthebomb13

    zachthebomb13 Member

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    Really? I'm assuming you weren't there in the beginning when we were trying as hard as we could to get to the $900k. This was, is, and has always been a crowd project from day 1. Offering the Alpha and Beta was incentive for us in the beginning to donate a little more and get a little in return. And you know what, I take offense to what you say. I feel I own, be it a very small part, a part of this game. So, bring it, because I know if you mess with one of us, there will be a galaxy of other owners that you're going to have to deal with. Nuff said.
  10. xcupx

    xcupx Member

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    Also, at what point in gaming history did we suddenly become entitled to alpha and beta access for free? Not too long ago you would NEVER have the opportunity to see even a beta version of a game unless you worked on that game. Being able to be part of this process at all is still a really new thing and is by no means promised to you just because you bought the game.

    Further, the price for the full game on release, at least for pre-orders, is $40! That's $20 less than a standard retail release! Already a super deal!
  11. shandlar

    shandlar Member

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    Thats easy.
  12. Azirahael

    Azirahael Member

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    xtri will not be among the Über.

    We will.

    Long live the Über.
  13. Cheeseless

    Cheeseless Member

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    Ok, that sounded a bit... weird. Please try not phrase it like that it creeps me out azirahael.
  14. Azirahael

    Azirahael Member

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    Will you be among the Über?
  15. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I'm staggered too.

    Let's let this thread die - it doesn't even deserve the air of attention.
  16. warlockgs

    warlockgs Member

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    Best response ever.

    I upgraded to Cosmic.
  17. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Thanks to everyone that does support us!

    Making this game is far from easy. In fact this is probably the toughest project for me personally that I've ever worked on (due to the competing demands on my time and the stress of not being backed by a big publisher).

    The money you guys pay is what makes the game happen. I don't think we can be considered greedy unless we actually make a profit on this game. Hopefully that will happen but it's not at all a sure thing.
  18. warlockgs

    warlockgs Member

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    I hope it's the next Arma2, where the core gameplay is awesome, but the mods drive it into a whole different dimension, netting you guys tons of sales.

    Fortune favors the brave. Thanks for having the bravery to even attempt this; getting an awesome game out of it would just be icing on the cake :)
  19. Cheeseless

    Cheeseless Member

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    Yes indeed i will, good sir :p
  20. shandlar

    shandlar Member

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    While its always a big plus (and should be a top 5 goal for any endeavor) to make obscene amounts of profit, I think just being able to employ as many people as you have through this project, while maintaining your 'artistic' freedom by not selling your vision out to a publishers stagnant view of the video game industry, for over a year is a huge success.

    Its not like the planet has a lot of disposable income nowadays. Breaking even + some start up capital for the next project would probably be a very satisfying success. I am really pushing for the success of this business model cause it is so refreshing and contra to the complete monkey feces we have been moving towards in the last 5 years in video gaming. Micro transactions, no desire to push hardware boundries, IOS minigames with massively overpriced pay to keeps going on and on.

    I'm all for making money, but eventually it just feels dirty.

    Zynga...that is all.

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