Really Getting Sick of this!!!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Jenglish85, December 30, 2010.

  1. Jenglish85

    Jenglish85 New Member

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    #1 Spunky Cola loads to often
    #2 As of Today the game decides to put me into a glitched room by myself and no one else can join(thanks UBER ENT)
    #3 Framerate has really become an issue Post DLC it needs to be fixed asap
    #4 Still Splitting my team up for no good reason when the room is full our 4-5 people should be on the same team no matter what
    #5 On the Rear of spunky cola players can fly out and just camp behind the base(I haven't personally had a real issue with it other than it's a cheap tactic and needs to be fixed asap)...Gunners seem to really love this one
    #6 Gunners still slow you down from way across the map(wasn't that supposed to be fixed)
    #7 Lag in general seems to be a whole lot worse(fix the servers)
    #8 Hacking an enemy turret seems to be useless now(it doesn't really kill people and takes the fun away from doing it(not really sick of this but it sucks either way)

    MNC is fun but things are really starting to get out of hand!!!
  2. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    #1 I'm pretty sure they already turned down the rate at which this map is selected. I could be wrong though.
    #2 That is YOUR connection problem, not Uber's.
    #3 I am also having some framerate issues.
    #4 I haven't been having this problem.
    #5 So, you don't have a problem with it, but you DO have a problem with it? I'm pretty sure that ledge was put there intentionally.
    #6 No, the Gunners just do less damage from far away now. The slowdown is still there.
    #7 MNC doesn't have servers, so there isn't anything for Uber to fix.
  3. mute

    mute New Member

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    the slowdown pisses me off to no end.. get knicked by 1 bullet from 9832 miles away and you're slowed down for like 2-4 seconds. seems like it should only slow you down for like .5 seconds.. that way if you're continually hit, it drags you down... but 2-4 seconds after one lil stray lucky bullet taps you is absurd. to be brutally honest, i dont know why its in the game at all.

    as for the ledges in the game.. it doesnt matter what map.. that crap is intentional and theres nothing wrong with it. and btw.. that ledge on spunky, support can get down on the enemies' side too, you just have to have some speed boost. you won't be able to get out easily, and you can't go back the way you came..but you can. regardless, when i see people there i think "free kill".
  4. Jenglish85

    Jenglish85 New Member

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    Well it's never happened until today, my connection isn't the best but it works fine on everything else and did work great on MNC now all of a sudden if I back out after playing in the same room to take a break when i come back I cannot join a lobby.

    As for the ledge I just pointed it out, I haven't struggled getting kills just thought it was a glitch and if that were the case it should be fixed is all.

    I think they need to cutback on the gunner slow down(it shouldn't happen at such range)

    Ok they don't have servers but they need to fix that issue

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