[Feature] Unit customization

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kesler, April 22, 2013.

  1. kesler

    kesler New Member

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    I know this game isn't about building your own little giant robots. But I'd really like this feature. Remember earth 2xxx RTS series? Something like that is awesome. In combination with large scale warfare, I can only imagine the amount of nerdgasm I'd feel.

    Maybe I'm biased. On of the first RTS I ever played was something you could customize your own mechs. Sadly, I've forgotten the name of the game. The map was separated in 3 layers, underground, land and air. Anyway, if one of your mechs chopped another mechs axe swinging arm off, you could grab that arm and mount it to your own mech. Does anyone here know the name of that game?
    I know, this is really off limits for PA, but maybe something for a mod. At least the building of customized units and the discovery and capture of enemy units for replication.

    Btw: I just discovered this game and instantly pre-ordered, can't wait for the alpha to start :)
  2. Pluisjen

    Pluisjen Member

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    The game is called Metal Fatigue.

    But I don't think it's a good idea for PA, even if Metal Fatigue was really cool.
  3. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Jon's position on issues like this is very clear. It's not going to happen.

    Ideas like this will be the purview of mods and mods alone.
    (It's not a 'bad' idea, it's just not what Planetary Annihilation is gunning for)
  4. kesler

    kesler New Member

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    Thanks for the name!

    Figured that customization would not be in the game. That's a huge feature and wasn't mentioned anywhere.

    But still...

    Have the devs said anything about the modability?
    It is highly modable. Don't know how I didn't see that.
    Well, /thread.

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