Offensive terms to describe hostility

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by yxalitis, November 13, 2012.

  1. Nap

    Nap Well-Known Member

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    -1, get thicker skin please. The word rape isn't offensive
  2. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Even if offensive to some, I think there are plenty of words out there, that SOME PEOPLE find offensive, that EVERYONE in the gaming community uses in EVERY game. I can think of at least one example of such word, that references the term used for slaves in the americas 160 years ago. Need I say it?

    You would have to plead to the entire internet. Start at 4chan. If you make ANY progress there, then you can definitely get congress to pass it as law.

    You won't make any progress. They will just brag about how they "were victorious" over you, how they think you are a "african american", and how you are a "bundle of firewood kindling". Only, more vulgur...
  3. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    Thing is, it's not meant to describe a "glorious victory." It's not meant to sound positive at all. If a team gets raped they don't feel good and the other team shouldn't either. Both teams feel a portion of the emptieness and loss of a rape incident. The only people who have any good feeling about it are the "rapists" who enjoy exercising their power over others, humiliating others, and inflating their personal ego.
  4. knightwyvern

    knightwyvern New Member

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    Holy cow guys. This is pretty simple. (You know what I mean.)

    Saying "rape" in the wrong context is bad form. Can anyone really, truly disagree with that?

    Should anyone be disallowed from saying it? No, I don't believe so. Of course in a truly hateful context it should not be allowed, the same way that spouting blatant racist crap etc shouldn't be allowed. However, there is freedom of speech in most of the world now, and that is a good thing. People are allowed to SAY anything they want, within reason (a very high threshold.) People are also allowed to ignore. As I said, it may be bad form, and you are within your rights by simply disregarding everything that person says from that point on (ignoring/blocking.) That's your choice.

    The answer to this type of thing is social justice, not draconian measures. If a group of people you're playing with aren't ok with certain terminology, they'll let you know, not play with you, etc.

    Again, if I see someone behaving in a way that I find repugnant on a forum, I can just ignore them. Problem solved.

    I do find the double standards a bit interesting, as an aside. For instance, why is standard physical violence ok when sexual violence is not? I'm pretty sure there are many people who are severely traumatized by being beat up, cut, stabbed, shot, threatened etc. In fact, I've had pretty much all of those happen to me over the course of my life; yet there is almost no care given to the feelings of those people. Yes, the onus is usually on them to be selective and distinguishing in what company they keep and the kinds of activities they partake in. The problems of some literally cannot be the problems of all. People who have been assaulted and traumatized don't watch boxing, MMA, etc. We don't halt the activities altogether.

    What about "War?" War is HORRIBLE. Probably one of the greatest horrors that can befall anyone. I've lost many a friend to it (I don't want to be political, let's not go there. Just using this as context.) Even so, pretty much everyone, including myself, is reasonably ok with referencing it by name, discussion of it's particulars is commonplace, and is used as a form of mass entertainment. I happen to enjoy such entertainment, though admittedly sometimes a particularly realistic movie etc can be a bit uncomfortable for me. I am super psyched for this game, for instance.

    Are we not allowed to talk about explosions, guns, warfare tactics, etc etc because there are people with PTSD, or other issues brought on by war and might be affected by talk of such things? No. The solution is NOT to censor, but to just be aware of other people to a reasonable degree, use discretion and be compassionate if someone does have a legitimate problem with things being said. Just be nice. Be thoughtful. I know, it's a lot to ask.
  5. thebigpill

    thebigpill Well-Known Member

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    I do. It's all about context. Let's take the word "gay." The original meaning of the word "gay" is just "happy." Nowadays, it means homosexual in most of society. If I were to call someone gay in like the early 20th century, he wouldn't raise an eyebrow. If I call someone gay right now, I might get punched in the face.

    Or take "faggot" and "gay" in the gaming community. In the gaming community, when you call something gay, you don't make the connection with homosexuality anymore, you're just saying you dislike something. Same with "rape."

    Also, you PA guys take everything waaaaaay too seriously. It's just pre-adolescent nerds raging at each other on the internet, why take it for anything more than that?

    edit: just realised this topic is way old. Woops.
  6. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    To be fair, SMNC forum is included.
  7. jesus187

    jesus187 New Member

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    I don't know, this rieks of political correctness in a bad way, what's the exact problem? It's a word, a sound coming from your mouth. It isn't the person who's saying it that's offensive but the person receiving it/reading it, thinking it's offensive.

    Banning and censoring of words is always a bad idea although I understand the sentiments behind it, doesn't make it right to do it.

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