Season Blitz Seems...Tougher

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by CDR Alpha Niner, December 29, 2010.

  1. CDR Alpha Niner

    CDR Alpha Niner New Member

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    And, by "tougher," I mean alot tougher, as in suddenly it seems completely insane tougher.

    I don't remember facing off against 2 waves of Blackjacks and Gremlins and Bouncers on Round 11. This reminds me more of Playoff Blitz rather than Season Blitz.

    Was this deliberate or accidental?

    Anyone else noticing this besides me?
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i dont think anyone played any of the earlier blitz modes outside of getting achievements/testing
  3. CDR Alpha Niner

    CDR Alpha Niner New Member

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    Well, I still do, whenever I need a refresher. But, it seems like Season Blitz upped its difficulty and the number of bots to an insane level really fast.

    Originally, it would start out like a normal exhibition. Just tiny little junk bots and blackjacks and the occasional bouncer, then on Round 11, you'd get hit with tiny bots (whatever the hell the first little cannon fodder dudes are) from the sides, and Blackjacks from the front. Then, if playing Playoffs, on Rounds 21, you'd get hit from the sides, front blackjacks and bouncers, and rear.

    Now, it's like they're sending everything they've got on Round 11. I felt like I was playing Scramble-but I was playing Season...felt like too much way too fast from what I remember.

    And I don't remember seeing this on the list of changes...
  4. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Are you playing with more people? The larger your party, the more bots that spawn.
  5. CDR Alpha Niner

    CDR Alpha Niner New Member

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    I do remember the number of players affecting the bot spawns, but Season Blitz on Round 11 still feels like Playoff Blitz on round 21. Way too many bots and different types, way too much pressure from what I remember. Feels like it'll be next to impossible for new guys coming into the game to even get the Season play victory at this point...
  6. mute

    mute New Member

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    A boatload of people play Blitz and take it seriously, look at the leaderboards. I know a few people (5 or so) that only play Blitz. I haven't played it in awhile though.. it can be fun with a 4 person party if everyone is communicating and joking around, but I got wore out. Last time I played Blitz it was when super sudden death came out. I'd like to break my old records though eventually, just havent found the interest lately.

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