Highlights, Custom Matches, Spelling

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by CDR Alpha Niner, December 25, 2010.

  1. CDR Alpha Niner

    CDR Alpha Niner New Member

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    Hey, guys.

    Nice additions to MNC so far. I like how custom matches are now under the direct control of the player for their options, maps, and game parameters.

    I noticed that after applying the most recent patch, some of my highlight reel accolades, specifically those of on page 2 of 7, have been reset to show that certain tags have been earned only once-when this is not the case as I have earned these tags more than once (i.e., Seasoned Vet, Sacker, Shredder, Trigger Man, etc).

    I imagine there's no way to fix this, but has this happened to anyone else?

    And, it still looks like that highlights, money, and tags can be officially earned in offline custom matches played by one player only (which gives an open invitation to boosting)...but I guess that's not going to change.

    Oh, yeah, and the Gazillionaire, millionaire, and payday highlights all have "receive" spelled incorrectly in their descriptions.

    Hmm, 400 megs worth of new content, and no new achievements? Could use some more...
  2. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    It's free DLC. Free DLC never has achievements(Bioshock was the only example of free DLC with achievements that I'm aware of). It's some jerkass-y rule Microsoft has. And yet, still the occasional free XBLA game comes out which has twelve achievements :roll:
  3. CDR Alpha Niner

    CDR Alpha Niner New Member

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    Understood. Not too big of an issue then in terms of achievements.

    Hopefully, the frame rate problems and spelling will be fixed. Really irks me...

    You know, I've also come to notice that the procedure of cutting the number of bot spawns when the money ball goes down quickly makes the match one-sided. Even if the deficit team is able to bring turrets online, by the time those come online, there's already so much pressure on the target money ball with attacking bots choking it to death that the match is over quickly.

    It might be a good idea to return the bot spawns both to normal rates regardless of which team's ball goes down, or even yet, increase the number of bots for the deficit team under attack. Then again, I can't remember if the bot spawn rates were affected by the money balls going down.

    Secondly, my parties are still getting split up between teams...and is it me, or is the player listed at the top of Crossfire playlist chosen as the host? Whenever I'm in that spot, everyone seems to get dropped from the game, and considering how bad my connection is, I'm wondering if the two are related.

    One more thing: those issues with tossing firebases and items and firing sniper rifle rounds all through glass walls, has that been fixed?

    Oh, yeah, and for the connection error screens, "Secrets of the Reloading Masters" sponsor tag is STILL listed as a Gold sponsor, when it is actually a Silver sponsor...

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