First one didn't work. My number was 6. For the second, I chose cucumber but couldn't remember if it was actually a vegetable so I switch to carrot before continuing.
The number thing is so common, 2 of my friends did this to me and both times I said same number just as this time. I am the 2%, hail potatoes!
Yes, I did choose the number 7, but it's a common "favorite" number and a common "lucky" number for a lot of people. It's just plain common when you ask for a number between 5 and 12. There also happens to be 7 numbers between 5 and 12, so your brain might make an unconscious connection there. ... I chose a squash, so I don't understand the logic behind the second part.
Try this on people: Explain them you're going to ask two rapid succeeding questions and that you want them to answer with the first thing which comes to mind. (You can try it below yourself but I had more success doing it live). "THINK ABOUT A COLOR AND A TOOL!". You thought about a Red Hammer.
Lots of two procenters here, maybe I'll have to start a 98% rally I had the number 9 and the carrot was the first thing I was thinking off ( and not even a native english speaker).