O.k. i've been playing RTS's for all of my life, and yet never once felt the desire to mod the game, I've been happy to play mods, but never to create one myself. However this time around, for this game, i feel differently, This game is so unique that it has inspired me. So I'd like to start creating my own units. however I don't have the first clue on where to get started, or what to do. So i'm asking for your assistance, if you have any tips, tricks, guides, tutorials, links for videos, or software tools, can you share them here, so that I can try to get a basic understanding of what I should be doing. This will also be a good jumping on point for anyone else that might be interested in modding, but who like me just never knew where to get started.
There's a few well known SupCom modellers that frequent these parts. Wait a few hours, and I'm sure at least one of them will be able to help.
To learn how to mod you just start modding. Pick a Game, take a simple idea and just try it and see. Each game is different so there are no general purpose guides, but if a game is modded a lot there tend to be guides for that particular game. Mike
The only time i felt a desire to mod a game was in supcom, i wanted to make T1 and T2 useful compared to T3, and i hated that commanders could build nukes, experimentals, but not T2/3 factorys? That was a pain in the backside, luckily black ops fixed the last one, and the last game we played we spend more time actually 'playing' the game, then 'teching'
I'll be creating some tutorials for creating units once we have the game in our hands, but until then, here are some tips: Usually, creating your own unit takes these steps: 1. Create the 3D model. 2. Animate the model. 3. Texture the model. 4. Export the model/animations/textures to your mod directory. 5. Create a text file that has all of the gameplay data about your unit, such as HP, move speed, weapons. For your first model, you shouldn't worry about #2 and #3, as those are just used to make your unit look better. You could even skip #1 if you wanted to use an existing model. There are many different ways to create a unit that you can call your own. It all depends on where you want to spend your time. Assuming you want to create models for your units, you'll want to get your feet wet in a modelling program. If you already have 3D Studio Max, that would be the best, but you can also grab Blender for free. Don't think that you have to make anything that looks good. Just figure out how to make a box, move the vertices around, and extrude a few faces. Making your first unit very simple helps for learning the other systems. Let me know if you are after any specific part of the unit creation process. I am just basing this on what I experienced when learning SupCom modding, since I believe that it won't be too far off from that.