More megabot types

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by xenomorph555, April 13, 2013.

  1. xenomorph555

    xenomorph555 New Member

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    What I think would be awesome is a nuclear powered ratte tank megabot/experimental :cool:.
    Also a nuclear armed typhoon class sub, hehehe...

    What do you guys want to see.

    EDIT: Also one of those USSR flying fortress aircraft, so many possibility's ohhhh...
  2. ToastAndEggs

    ToastAndEggs Member

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    All i have to say.
  3. jay070

    jay070 New Member

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    You shouldn't of bothered, rather than post something like that please next time dont post at all.

    To the OP i would be happy if the amount of unit types matches your hopes for different mega types myself haha. Just hope stealth is still in, having just one faction gives you more time to make sure all this little but essential things are in, so if they decide to go megabot direction there may well be more than one, if there was 3 or 4 you would think 2 land and maybe one air (battleship can be considered a super unit so no need for a naval one)

    EDIT: let me add to toastandeggs that your idiot for trying to dampen someones enthusiasm for this game and it is no cause to be rude to someone because you think otherwise which makes me question why you're even here
  4. ToastAndEggs

    ToastAndEggs Member

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    Not at all, i just don't want to have to explain myself on a thread that could just be rolled into the megabot thread i already voiced my concerns on.

    In addition the existence of a thread asking for MORE megabots misleadingly asserts they are even confirmed to be in the game.

    I never called anyone an idiot (that would be you), i just said my opinion which is, no i don't want more megabots, i don't want any megabots since they just make every game mode a race to the biggest gun, or if the megabots are less useful than that they will just be meaningless additions that are never used. Megabots have no real place in core game play, and their existence is just "interesting" in addition with the added orbital layer slow megabots could easily be destroyed from orbit, making them even more useless.
  5. AusSkiller

    AusSkiller Member

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    That assumes orbital units have weapons that can hit ground units which is something that hasn't been confirmed yet either (AFAIK). TBH I wouldn't mind seeing 1 or maybe 2 megabots, but certainly no more than that, even if they are over-costed they can be useful late game to help break through a massive line of defense that T2 spam could not break through alone (especially if there is a choke point preventing enough units from getting through at once) which IMO would be part of the core gameplay.
  6. ToastAndEggs

    ToastAndEggs Member

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    "Orbital weapons platforms"

    "orbital bombardment"

    The devs have used these terms in interviews.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Using terms is not the same as confirming a specific unit type before there is even any ability to playtest it.

  8. AusSkiller

    AusSkiller Member

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    Might only be used to shoot other orbital units.

    Might refer to dropping in units from orbit as seen in the kickstarter video.

    And besides if a megabot can't withstand such things, what chance would T2 spam have anyway?
  9. ToastAndEggs

    ToastAndEggs Member

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    Unlikely, that would be the most abstract use of the term orbital bombardment ever.

    And Knight i know, but to assume orbital to ground weapons wont be in the final game is a bit silly.

    Anyway my views are there.
  10. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    To assume they are is just as silly then.

    Everything needs to serve towards the goal of good gameplay, if you can win the game from orbital and completely negate and Land/Air/Sea play I wouldn't consider that good gameplay, thusly I hope that Orbital plays more of a Supporting Role to the rest of the layers through things like detection, Support weapons(EMP for example) as well as maybe working as a stepping stone for interplanetary transport. There are so many options that are so much deeper than just "Like Land/Air/Naval but in space".

  11. cybran89

    cybran89 New Member

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    I agree, although I hope that orbital bombardment will be in the game, and I'm pretty certain that neutrino mentioned that one of the whitebox units was for that, the one everyone thought might be a asteroid engine, I think he also discussed what they might fire, such as metal bars and bombs.
    But I think that the best use is to safeguard your rockets/interplanetary transport, and shoot down incoming enemies. It would need to be balanced, such as protecting a small area only, so that you can defend your base, but they can still land some engineers to build a base and attack, solving the turtling problem.
  12. jbcpwns

    jbcpwns New Member

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    I'm just going to put out something that can help both sides of this argument. Now we all know that modding is a confirmed feature, right? Now if the megabot is not implemented (which may or may not happen seeing how we dont have that much information on it) chances are someone will make a mod for it. Also someone might go ahead and think "wow thats a good idea for a unit i might make something like that". Now seeing how someone is probably going to do this i say that if you dont want mega units just dont install the mod, if you do then, well install the mod. everyones happy (i think).
  13. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Already raised as a "solution" in every other stinking Mega-Bot thread under the sun.

    Camp A (Hates Mega-Bots or doesn't want them in the game) is happy.
    Camp B (Loves Mega-Bots or does want them in the game) Thinks that shouldn't have to download an inferior mod to the presumed quality of first-party (Uber Ent) developed Mega-Bots.

    Honestly I never thought the first-party experimentals were all that special. But that's just my opinion.


    Personally I want all these Mega-Bot threads to die in a flaming hole.
  14. commanderdaz

    commanderdaz Member

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    well I was ok with either one but I think I actually prefer there aren't just complicates things more than they should be.
  15. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    You forgot
    Camp C: Sure, if they aren't just XL copies of existing units.

    There are some good designs to try out for mega units. They don't all have to be "lol biggest gunz that ever gunned".
  16. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    That's a sub-camp of B.

    And I (kinda) agree; there are good ideas... none of which have been satisfactorily implemented before. Pretty sure we're not the only people in the world to ever come up with those good ideas... so I can only presume there is a problem inherent in their implementation.
  17. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Are you sure? I'm fairly certain I've suggested half a dozen mega bot designs of my own, some of which can hardly be recognized as real units! :lol:

    Super units may have been problematic before, but many of the previous designs had an "arcade boss" theme to them- big, lots of dakka, sometimes with a glowing weak point for maximum damage(which 9 out of 10 times was "air units, any"). Arcade bosses don't belong in an RTS.
  18. ToastAndEggs

    ToastAndEggs Member

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  19. AusSkiller

    AusSkiller Member

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    Camp D: Whatever Uber decides on the megabot issue after play testing both options is the right choice.

    That's the camp I'm in and that's where I'm staying.
  20. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Um, yes... that sounds like something, someone who likes the idea of Mega-Bots, would do. :?
    Hence, a subset of Camp B, those that like Mega-Bots as an idea.

    Camp D is not in fact a camp. You're on the fence waiting to see the result, neither championing, nor vilifying either idea. If Mega-Bots were a Deity you'd be agnostic to the whole proceedings until Uber Ent confirmed, or denied them.

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