Never played it, looked like a more action-y version of the Thief series. If that's the case THEN DO IT DO IT DO IT Thief is amazing.
One of the most under-rated games of 2012. Diversity is incredible, story is meh, gameplay is amazing.
I bought this game and started streaming yesterday on good old NoFunTV. I intend to play this game in a very disruptive manner by killing everything should it please me with no regard for optional missions or plot. Some maniacal laughter might be included.
I bought this game the last time the prices where low. I thought I would really like the game, the trailer looked awesome and the concept was sweet as well. But when I started playing it it didn't really struck a cord with me. You are doing massive damage on people but they just keep respawning and most of the time there is only one way to complete a mission. The skills the main character possesses can be upgraded and new skills can be added, that's pretty awesome but the storyline isn't that good.