create our own cammanders

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by razzmahjazz, April 5, 2013.

  1. razzmahjazz

    razzmahjazz New Member

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    why not let us make our own individual custom commander in appearance and maybe also tech so we can tell the difference between a similar say orange and yellow commander of the same race. or use pre made ones like say the delta commander. i feel more attached to a game like say (wh40k space marine ) when it comes to the game play because it lets me make my own character and i feel more involved. clans could use it to determine ranks and other titles. like say i want to make him have a guass cannon aa gun instead of rockets or i dont want a cannon or aa i want to be a more supporting commander and only have a building ray and a artillery piece for long range support of my units on the ground or of my base. or i want to be maybe even a flying commander who only has aa and a building ray or i want to be a default commander with a different look or in general a system to make your own commander appearance for each race so we could feel that much more a part of the world and possibly even the story... i remember playing chrome hounds and how players were identified by there mechs and how people would turn tail and run away from others because they heard story's of that mech in battles and didnt want to die. i want that feeling again with my enemies i want to feel intimidating and look like a bad *** in my own way. so please hear my plead and make this a custom appearance option in PA for those of us who wish to personalize our commanders and allow the community to feel more like there in the moment and not a clone of our allies and enemies
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    The plan for commanders based on what we know so far is as such;

    Multiple commanders, each with potentially 2 "abilities" pulled from a Global Pool. No Customization, just a large selection.

  3. razzmahjazz

    razzmahjazz New Member

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    ya but to some of us like my self i feel like the ability to make your own from one of these would be better. say like what i said about race. each one is its own and if we could customize our commanders to look different then we would feel more in depth with the game wouldn't you agree. im sure there was a time when you may have customized your own character and felt like a total bad *** when you mow down your enemies with deathly efficiency
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    That is what Modding is for.

  5. razzmahjazz

    razzmahjazz New Member

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    id rather not have to mod for it.
  6. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Well then based on what we know so far you're outta luck.

    Last edited: April 6, 2013
  7. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    One of the major issues with creating your own custom commanders is that in competitive play they very quickly stop being custom and start being the best for your current build. There are also balance issues which i am going to assume will be solved by magic.

    Regardless while there may be a huge amount of potential options only a relatively small number will ever be used, and you are likely to come up against your own commander relatively frequently, i mean you thought it was cool so likely a whole bunch of other people did to. So your unique commander is not really unique.

    At the end of the day what you gain is an undoubtedly kick *** commander editor, which will have almost no effect on the actual game. What that costs is a massive amount of design for the editor, the commander parts, coding the editor, coding the game, managing to balance every possible commander part.

    Also it kinda shafts all the people who get custom commanders only to be saddled with a cool unit that removes the fun of editing commanders.
  8. jetda

    jetda New Member

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    id like a function that allowed you to unlock body parts that didn't change the commanders known abilities but allowed you to change his look only. Like do what starcraft is doing and make an xp system so casual gamers dont have to play agaisn't people they can enjoy vs ai or friend only games and still work towards a reward.

    hit lvl 3 get a commander arm replaced with a cannon (that would switch locations with a weapon already existing so as to prevent giving any bonuses. Commander shoots with his eyes but with the arm cannon it will use the cannon not the eyes type thing)

    hit level 10 get a 4 legged commander module or a tank style

    Just visual unlocks to customize your commander would be fun and i think it would allow the art team to go a little crazy and allow people to get more attached to with the game "not that you need much incentive this game sounds mind blowing"

    sc2 unlocks new unit animations and dances so it cant hurt the devs to consider implementing custom parts based only on changing appearance
  9. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    That kind of thing can work if there is only one Commander type, then the visuals wouldn't matter because regardless they'd all still be functionally identical.

    But so far as we can tell, that just isn't the case with PA. Commanders will be different via Abilities(and possibly stats as well, but that's unconfirmed), there will be a limited Pool of abilities that ALL Commanders(Including the Custom 1K ones) pull from, Each Commander will have a LOCKED selection of abilities and a unique appearance for readability. There are going to be LOTS of Commanders, so far we already know of about 6, most of which are KS or Pre-order Exclusives.

    If you want to learn more and have access to the Backer's Lounge, I compiled all current info on Commanders(All from Neutrino's Comments) in THIS THREAD, ALL OF IT.

    The system as proposed allows for variety while maintaining a high level of readability, it's basically the best of both worlds.

  10. jetda

    jetda New Member

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    im not authorized to read it lol.

    I assumed the commanders where only going to be visual with the ability to upgrade them in game like its been in supcom if they're allowing for multiple commanders each unique then having visual custumizations would prevent people from learning and knowing what to expect from the enemy5
  11. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Commander Upgrades will not be present.

  12. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Some sort of community made commander pack would be cool.
  13. drtomb

    drtomb Member

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    Pay up $1000 USD and they might give you a fully custom one if they accept the offer
  14. razzmahjazz

    razzmahjazz New Member

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    i meant mainly aesthetic wise as in appearance. i dont see how thats a balance issue. and every one having the exact same commander would be very plain.
  15. razzmahjazz

    razzmahjazz New Member

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    i think thats part of the point i was trying to get across and yes that would be awesome!
  16. christopher1006

    christopher1006 Member

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    The thing is, this game isn't about you feeling close to your troops. You're a robotic entity who is controlling megalithic armies to destroy planets. There's no time to look at your commander and pick out its skirt when there are galaxies to conquer!
  17. aznwarreur

    aznwarreur Member

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    We will be able to mod and make our own commanders but there are no signs of any customization gui.
  18. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Hahaha, what?
  19. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Presumably there will be a menu where you can choose from the commanders that you are eligible for.
  20. thapear

    thapear Member

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    There will be not GUI which allows you to select this leg, that arm and that body and merge them to create a commander. (Made by Uber)

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