Digital Limited Edition?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by dancomyn, April 4, 2013.


Do you want a digital preorder level between Galactic and Cosmic?

Poll closed May 4, 2013.
  1. yes

    20 vote(s)
  2. no

    31 vote(s)
  1. dancomyn

    dancomyn New Member

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    Several people, myself included, have expressed interest in a preorder level between Galactic and Cosmic, (a Stellar idea ;) ). I'm sure we're all lusting after the Delta Commander but can't afford the $250 Cosmic Edition. :cry:

    By creating this topic, I hope we can: rally support for a preorder level comparable to the $140 Kickstarter tier, which would include the Delta Commander, and draw developer attention to the demand for such a preorder.

    So, please give your support! :)
  2. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    All I can say is the title is starting to remind me of EA and that makes me queasy.
  3. penchu

    penchu Member

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    It is what it is and I doubt it will change its been practically set in stone already as its direct to the website. I paid for the cosmic because I want to help out as much as I can... I don't just want the stuff it gets me. Now that the pre orders have already been set if they are changed or more are added that would cheat those of us that can afford it in a way because it makes the extra we put in a lot less meaningful, I understand your view and I would have thought they put more tiers in... Maybe even 5 or 6... Sadly I missed the kickstarter as I have been on a break from computers for a year or I would have gotten the 1k one lol but I am happy as is.

    Not trying to ruin your idea in fact I would like to see it but done in a fair way, perhaps a choice to pre order the delta by himself as an add on idk I'm just talking facts
  4. dancomyn

    dancomyn New Member

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    I'm not offended :) I put this 'out there' because if you don't ask you don't get...though i realise the odds are stacked against it (perhaps they really are insurmountable). I'm not trying to take anything away from anyone who has bought the Cosmic edition - indeed many who have, have done so to make a sizable contribution irrespective of the rewards. Another preorder tier doesn't need to rob anyone of the satisfaction of having made that contribution. :) Like you I missed the Kickstater campaign (I don't know where I was or what I was doing :| ), had I been there at the time I too would have gone for a higher tier (not sure I'd have gone for $1000, but certainly $250). Sadly my circumstances now have changed. I'd be happy to pay $10 for a Delta Commander DLC, but I can give a little more than that on top of the $90 i've given. I'm really just asking for the oppertunity to do so. ;) ...but yes...I'd like the Delta in return...really that's all though. ;)
  5. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Quite honestly, I've got a bit of spare cash at the moment, and would love to throw it at Uber to get hold of the Delta Commander. But my Mrs would crucify me if I spent $250 worth "on a game" (she doesn't understand).

    So I'm fully in support of this. Please let me buy a Delta commander :(

    Precisely this.
  6. Nelec

    Nelec Member

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    I feel for you bro.

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