Is the no rush countdown needed now

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Timevans999, March 30, 2013.

  1. Timevans999

    Timevans999 Active Member

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    I would still like to see the no rush timer can this feature be put in please?
  2. Causeless

    Causeless Member

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    Already in, in many ways - think about it. You can have 2 enemies on different plants, then you'll oly be able to attack the other when you get interplanetary travel capabilities.
  3. catasphere

    catasphere New Member

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    Even if both players are on the same planet, the extent that this game is going to be modable will mean someone will make a mod for anti-rushing if there is a problem.
  4. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I think planets make suitable no-rush timers. They're soft in their operation. As in you can rush the tools to facilitate the rush (unit cannon), or rush the tanks to do the rushing... but not rush both.

    And once you reach a point in time where you can afford both, then I don't consider it a rush any more.
  5. dmii

    dmii Member

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    There never is a need for a rush timer. Games were rushing is a problem have an issue with balancing, not with rushing in itself.

    It should be possible to mod in a rush timer, but honestly the actual solution to rushing is dealing with it, not an arbitrary timer.
  6. pcbino

    pcbino New Member

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    I like rush timers, just in case I'm playing vs a more skilled AI/person than me, I'm sure he/it can't grab 100 mass nodes before I even grab the first 8. But it's just because I'm bad. If I were good I wouldn't need it, because I could counter rushes myself, by building 2 turrets or some tanks.

    But I don't think it will be a big problem in this game if players start on two different planets. You can't really rush your spaceshipteleportertanks and pummel your enemy, without he has some kind of defense/units to protect him.
  7. antillie

    antillie Member

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    IIRC the reason the commander in TA had a D-gun back in the day was specifically to make it hard for people to rush. Since PA commanders will have an Uber Cannon I don't see rushing being a problem like it is in other, less epic games.
  8. meltedcandles

    meltedcandles Member

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    Hackers will find a way. They always do.
  9. antillie

    antillie Member

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    You can't really balance a game against people cheating.
  10. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    A lot of fun can come out of no rush timers. a 20 minute no rush on sludge was always fun. its not something that should ever be the standard in competetive play but that doesnt mean it shouldnt be there. so at the end of the day it just boils down to 'if theres time' again.
  11. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Rush timers suck from a serious game view, but many people like them regardless. The most annoying thing was the "no rush zone" in Supcom 1 and 2, which was always pathetically small and severely hurt your resources.
  12. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    I don't think rush timers would be the most time consumign feature in the world to implement. It's basically just a script that says "nuh uh can't go there until times up".
  13. numptyscrub

    numptyscrub Member

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    I understand exactly why they were initially implemented (I was guilty of peewee rushing and commander-napping myself, back in the day), but they do function like turtle timers, and as an intinerant turtler myself even I end up annoyed that I can't expand fast enough. Building to counter a rush, assuming you ensure enough mobile defense units are in the mix (not just towers), ends up beneficial even if the rush never appears. You can reuse the mobile units as vanguards to expand your own borders, or solidify outlying positions, if they are never needed in defense.

    Rush timers are the simple solution to the problem, but I'd argue that the more elegant solution lies in player education. Implement a rush timer for a man, and he's safe for a game. Teach him how to counter a rush, and he's safe for a lifetime ;)
  14. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    I don't mind, along with modes other than assassination and prebuilt structures and such it's among a list of features that I'll never have to use but that some people like to play with. So why not let them?
  15. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Since they will probably be very easy to implement I don't see any reason to not include no rush timers.

    Although I feel that the D-gun is already the ideal anti rush game mechanic.
  16. elitebomber

    elitebomber New Member

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    In Total Annihilation the D-gun was pretty decent but a lot of times ineffective. The problem was that the commander was extremely slow and he had to be stopped to use it. If you micro'd your flashes/jeffys correctly, you could avoid it all together. Also, that doesn't cover the case of bomber/fighter rushes.

    They kind of fixed that issue in Supreme Commander by beefing up the commander's main attack which could be used while the commander was moving.

    Rushing will always be a challenge. I did enjoy a lot of the no-rushing agreement matches back in the day. I remember matches on Core Prime where one team would build nothing but Krogoths and the other team would build nothing but defensive stuctures and see how long they could last. Arcade style games like these would be a lot of fun.
  17. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    Im not really sure why there is a need for debate. no rush was a very specific thing that many enjoyed but was never standard and always optional. people who dont want it dont use it and those who do want it get to have some fun.

    In many ways its like debating the need for the supremacy win condition. sure it wasnt standard but it was tun from time to time.
  18. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    1) Interface issues.
    2) Lag issues.

    The D-gun was otherwise excellent at dealing with most rushes. The only downside is that it could not attack air units, which make the Comm helpless against air.
  19. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Basically this.

    I personally liked it because I was a turtler myself (I've learned to get away from that mentality), and it would give me a chance to plan out things against the AI without fear of attack.

    They should add it, if for nothing more than some people like it and it doesn't seem that difficult to implement.
  20. dallonf

    dallonf Active Member

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    I like no-rush. Not for a normal match, but when playing against my friends, I have fairly good macro, so the game is over before it gets interesting. With a no-rush timer, it forces me to change my strategy from the usual and tech to some more interesting units.

    Of course, it's generally preferable to play co-op when there's a skill discrepancy like that.

    One of the most hilarious games of SupCom2 I've played involved a friend who didn't like my usual expansion-driven play and thought that he might have a fighting chance if he enabled a No Rush timer and All Research Unlocked. I went straight for mass conversion and experimentals. He lost. We didn't try that again.

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