Too many suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by falcrack, April 3, 2013.

  1. falcrack

    falcrack Member

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    Every time I come to this forum, I find it full to the brim with what I consider to be unwieldy, half-baked ideas which would make me not want to play the game if implemented. Most of these ideas tend to take away from gameplay simplicity and usually begin with "I think it would be cool if...", but would usually result in simply more micromanagement and stuff to worry about without adding to the fun factor.

    I hope the devs do the smart thing and trust their own best judgment rather than try to implement all the hair-brained ideas from the would be game developers I see here.

    That is all.
  2. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    They are adding modding. Therefore, they are adding all the hair-brained ideas indirectly to the game.

    (to see what I mean, take a look at Minecraft, Buildcraft, Industrialcraft, TooManyBiomesXL, JammyFurnitureMod, Traincraft, Railcraft, Forestrycraft...)
  3. rockobot

    rockobot Member

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    I'm actually one to agree with OP, these threads are getting out of control.

    I'm okay with suggestions for the game, but this forum has become overflowing with poor ideas and people's perceptions of how robots fighting on planets 2 kilometers in radius "should" work. Suggestions are great, an entirely new gimmick on how tried-and-true TA mechanics should be changed has become the predominant suggestion thread. With the rest of the threads being the result of someone not using the "search" button.

    Don't get me wrong, some suggestion threads are amazing, precisely because they address a common problem that may arise, provide example solutions to them, and then have a polite discussion about how the rest of the community and the rest of the game will react to it.

    But then we get to the bulk of suggestion threads, most of them either being the typical "WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF?" that one would scrawl into the margins of their notebook during class or more threads of people not understanding what the search button is for. To the point where looking at the top page is the same as looking five pages back.

    Please people, think your ideas through, before you make a thread ask yourself

    -Who would think this is a good idea?
    -Will it still be a good idea a year after the game releases?
    -Did I just get this idea from another game and hope that it would fit inside this game?
    -Is this actually an idea that I wanted to see in Supcom that I'm now trying to apply to this game?
    -Would every player use this idea?
    -Is this part of a core problem that has afflicted games like PA?

    If you can answer those questions, please, feel free to make a thread. Wait a day before you do to let the idea sit so you can type a well-worded post which properly explains what you are looking for. I don't want to think that all the good discussion has moved to the backers forum and this forum is only seeing the tablescraps of actual discussion.
  4. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    At this point the suggestion spam is partially because of no notable news...
  5. hawksflight

    hawksflight New Member

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    Totally agree.

    'Nuff said.
  6. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    When humans have incomplete information they are like as much to inject their own ideas about the universe to try and add substance to the void...

    Sorry, that got all religious there for a moment.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Actually we tend to get a flood of new users and lurkers coming out of the shadows every time a Livestream happens, also lets face it, we've talked about a lot of things since the KS kicked off, it's why we need things like the Topic Index and Confirmed Features list and we need to make sure we direct people to the existing information.

  8. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    Yeah but I'd bet it was about the stuff shown/discussed mostly.
  9. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    At first sure, but just like with many other things(Like Kickstarter) once you do it once, you're more likely to keep doing it.

    So sure, After the most recent(Mar 22nd) Livestream, we had about 7 separate threads that dealt with the subjects talked about in the live stream, but there was a general surge is posting all round, as people come to post in threads about eh live stream, or cerate thier own, they see titles of other threads and it gets them thinking sometimes, resulting in more posts.

  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Idk. I don't personally mind. If someone has an idea and it does sound cool, why get all enraged that they share it and everyone gets a laugh?

    It kills time, which we need to do unless they are releasing alpha tomorrow. Until then, the forum should either be good for a laugh, or save for a handful of topics just be locked from making new topics. I'd prefer the prior.
  11. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    I agree that some of these suggestions are . . . lacking in concept, to be polite, but I've certainly seen worse.
    Does anybody recall some of the posts made on the Gas Powered Garage forums when Supcom was being developed? There were some absolutely horrific suggestions there. Thankfully, none of those came to fruition in the final build of Supcom, 'cause the devs aren't stupid.
  12. comham

    comham Active Member

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    The purpose of a suggestions forum is like a pressure vent, the community blows off steam and people post their half-baked ideas, people engage in informal debates over game design and develop argumentative skills & an understanding of game design. Rarely does anything ever get implemented, no matter how well formatted or thought out the post.

    I've seen little tiny things get implemented, like in that one guys sig about the d-gun/uber cannon naming thing, but generally nothing. Not that that's a bad thing, the devs don't ignore the community, uber seem very good at engagement. But they already have their squillion page design document, they're not altering anything significant based off the forum.

    Suggestion forums are for the benefit of the posters, not the devs
  13. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    It would be nice if all the suggestions could have their own sub-forum. I think it's the clutter in "GD" that people are not liking.
  14. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I can tolerate an originally bad idea; it's original, something new that hasn't been read before. Even if the opening post is bad, it might inspire a great idea from someone else or an amazing essay on why the idea is bad. I think that's what makes reading threads worth it.

    What rustles my jimmies is repeated bad ideas. Nothing new comes from those, and they dilute the threads featuring original ideas. This can be remedied with a better search tool (the irony is that we've discussed the woeful search tool multiple times already), and something to remind new users to look before posting.
  15. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    This happens all over the internet and is something I expect from forums in particular.

    Which is why I don't get why people also constantly complain about it (To keep universal balance?), your complaining should also be catalogued so people can be directed to commonly made complaints as well.

    It's only fair.
  16. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Wait, you mean that people on the internet have half baked ideas? And they post them to forums? Oh dear god, whatever will we do? Uber will have no choice but to implement every single one of these idea blindly! 4chan will never be the same again!
  17. apocatequil

    apocatequil Member

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    Isn't 4chan already the implementation of every half baked idea on the internet?
  18. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Holy crap I think you're right. But I think it does a slightly better job of organizing them.
  19. apocatequil

    apocatequil Member

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    Indeed. Shredding them all on a constant basis is the best organization.
  20. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    Poorly thought out and worded suggestions are part and parcel of any game development. I'm pretty sure that the devs are perfectly capable of filtering out the wheat from the (far more numerous) chaff, hopefully without going too insane.

    One thing I've seen on a past forum is a regularly updated and stickied "THOU SHALT NOT SUGGEST THESE THINGS" thread with a list of denied features, and a short response for each one. That might help cutting down some of the common suggestions, but there will always be some folks who are perfectly capable of thinking up new ones.

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