It would be nice to have some uber input to let us know if this is decided, or undecided. Like I've said before, I'm curious as to what they are panning, it is not my aim to influence what or how they do water here.
I think we all noticed that, but there will probably be some sort of simulation, even if it is really simple, we would at the very least want some water to move a bit.
It's not that water won't move, just that it won't be via fluid simulation as opposed to other methods. Exact method hasn't been confirmed, check the livestream to hear exactly what Neutrino said. Mike
I'm expecting it to be a simple sphere within the land mesh. Then when there is an impact within water. The mesh will have a circle displacement applied radiating out from point of impact for tidal waves. This will mean though, anything below sea level will be flooded by default. I like the idea of adjusting the radius of the water layer when there is an increase or decrease in water surface area, to roughly simulate water volume. This could have an interesting knock on affect, as ice asteroids could then be added to the game. And be used to increase the sea level. Potentially allowing someone to flood and destroy low laying bases and units across the whole planet. A slightly more complex fluid simulation would be welcome, but I think this is the most basic and likely solution.