1. MrRedDragon

    MrRedDragon New Member

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    It seems to me that the Icemen have a lot going against them, notably when the players are divided into teams:

    -If the number of players are odd, then the Hotshots seem to always get the extra person.
    -If the number of players are even, then the Hotshots seem to get the extra player if anyone joins the game late.

    Also, I don't know if there is a logic behind automatically splitting up the players into teams, but I think it should be done so that the experienced players are evenly split into the two teams. Since there already is a level system, it would be a simple matter sorting numbered values.
  2. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Plus their fans are outnumbered three to one by the Hotshot combat hooligans waiting outside the Arena right now
  3. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    They also only win by using Artificial Supplements.
    Honestly thought I really think if you get put on the iceman team, it's just a total uphill battle from start to finish. As you said, those factors alone make losing people midgame almost a guaranteed loss as the hotshots are pretty much always going to outnumber you unless a game starts 6v6 ( witch honestly I have yet to see one happen...people keep leaving before matches start, but I honestly can't blame them on such factors ether. ).
  4. MrRedDragon

    MrRedDragon New Member

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    At least I'm not alone on feeling this way.

    Another thing about dividing up the teams: it always seems that whenever I join a server, I play one game as a Hotshot, then I get switched over to the Icemen next game and stay on that team for as long as I'm on the server. I always have fun in MNC, even when I lose, but it gets a little annoying to be stuck as the same team all the time. I wonder if anyone else has this happen to them.
  5. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    I've honestly seen about...equal time on both sides I think. If anything else I've been hotshots for the longest time on one server, and on another I was icemen for a LONG time...50/50 about,thougth honeslty I would chances are have the servers try to stick the more longer staying players on icemen as allot will disconnect/leave before the match/midway/at the end far more then people on hotshots do...a tread or not, unsure, but I'm starting to just notice such.
  6. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    i dont care which team im on, just as long as we have a 50% chance to have the extra player at startup/when somebody new joins. the icemen definitely have the short end of the stick atm.
  7. Alienami

    Alienami New Member

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    Hotshots seem to win more for sure, and when the game is unbalanced based on skill or numbers its generally to their advantage.

    Icemen need a sexy blue lady for the logo, that would help... that would be one less reason I prefer Hotshots.
  8. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    This is the problem:


    Why on earth would team Hotshot get the new player? To make it a fair 5 vs. 3? One of our players left at some point in the game. (Assassin, really?!? We have 4 players and you pick a 2nd Assassin?) So it probably was a 4 vs. 4 game at the point when the 9th player joined. But the default 'We just dump the new player in team Hotshots' really put the last nail in the coffin.
  9. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    That's how I feel almost all the time.

    When the game gets so ****, there's NOTHING you can really do. In other games, you could just swap servers, but that's not possible right now most of the time.

    So instead I just say "**** it if I win or lose, I'm in it for the money and myself. If I come top of the team/MVP/Positive KDA (circle one) then I'm satisfied." because that's all there can be done at the moment.
  10. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    And most importantly this:
    I don't mind losing 50% of the time or 60% or even 70% but I get stuck on team Icemen 90% of the time. I'm not a good player but this is getting ridiculous.

    I love MNC but I won't keep playing a game that keeps frustrating me.
  11. epyx

    epyx New Member

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    why not have it shuffle teams based on individual stats?

    lvl doesnt mean anything.
  12. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    They'd have to introduce a "Average match earnings" stat or something, or win/loss streak stat.

    Lvl is the closest thing to experience you can have, but sadly this game already came out on the Xbox, so there's a massive difference between those learning the rules and those who already know them. And even then skill diference won't show unless you can somehow lose levels after a period of time or under certain conditions.

    Making sure no two players play the same team more than two games in a row should be sufficient for random. Balance or not is unknown, but at least everyone gets a chance to be on the steam roll side.
  13. Corvo

    Corvo New Member

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    I feel your pain man, im also stuck on blue whenever the server does its so called "random" pick. On the plus side for me anyway, had a few games where blue stuck around (yes we all were all picked blue randomly 3 times in a row) and managed to pull together and win 2 of the games was a nice change.

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