Multiplayer match lagging out on join. (Workaround)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Sparky3193, December 22, 2010.

  1. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    Re: Multiplayer match lags out after 10 seconds of joining.

    "There is a connection rule in the router bound to port 27015, which is the port that Steam uses to establish connections to most of its master servers, including KF, TF2, CS:S, etc. This by itself is not an issue, aside from it not being needed in the first place. What is an issue is that exactly 60 seconds after initiating a connection to the server on this port, it then disconnects all connections made when this rule was triggered. It is entirely 100% the router's error, and Thomson have no intention of making the simple fix that is needed."
  2. Sparky3193

    Sparky3193 New Member

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    Re: Multiplayer match lags out after 10 seconds of joining.

    I am not using a Thomson router, I am using a BT Home Hub 2.0. Although, I have tried using this reconnect command and it takes me to the main menu and says lost connection to host.
    Any ideas yet?
  3. fatal

    fatal New Member

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    Re: Multiplayer match lags out after 10 seconds of joining.

    I have the same router, the BT HomeHub 2.0, after lots of trawling through forums I found a workaround on the killing floor / tripwire interactive forums

    Because the issue lies with the master server connection timing out, bypassing the master server should work and give you a solid connection

    The basic workaround I tested (which worked on 2 servers and I had a decent 10 minute game on each, rather than the 20-30 seconds before everything ran into the nearest wall that I was getting last night), is to refresh the server list, and wait over a minute before connecting to any server, this way your connection to the master server has already been broken and you should be able to connect to a server without the master server disconnect screwing things up

    This should hopefully work for people with the routers for issues, if this workaround works for other people post it here so it is shown to be working (and possibly stickied? or added to an FAQ? I know this is a big issue for people with these routers)
  4. KnOcKz

    KnOcKz New Member

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    Re: Multiplayer match lags out after 10 seconds of joining.

    Holy ****! It actually worked. Thank you so much Fatal, you're the man ;)
  5. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    Re: Multiplayer match lags out after 10 seconds of joining.

    I can confirm, telnet fix worked for me, can now play mnc with the thomson router online.

    Just had to delete the old game network rule, so far no problems.
  6. Myst

    Myst New Member

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    Re: Multiplayer match lags out after 10 seconds of joining.

    Works here too, thanks guys!
  7. KnOcKz

    KnOcKz New Member

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    Re: Multiplayer match lags out after 10 seconds of joining.

    That worked aswell. Thank you dude :)
  8. Myst

    Myst New Member

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    Re: Multiplayer match lags out after 10 seconds of joining.

    By the way, if you're on O2 Broadband and you try to telnet as the "Administrator" user and get this error:

    "Login not allowed (User 'Administrator' is disallowed from lan to login to telnet)"

    try the below login credentials instead - the default passwords changed some time in the past two years, so just try both to see which one works:

    User: SuperUser
    Password1: O2Br0ad64nd
    Password2: Enter the serial number on the bottom of your router (also shown on your router's information page when you go to
  9. w00t

    w00t New Member

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    Re: Multiplayer match lags out after 10 seconds of joining.

    I found a solution aswell i just opened all steam ports and monday night combat ports and it worked :D
    If it still wont work try disable youre routers firewall.
  10. Sparky3193

    Sparky3193 New Member

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    Re: Multiplayer match lags out after 10 seconds of joining.

    Thank you Fatal. A fix! (Well, temporary)
    But none the less it worked and now i can get into a match and stay, even for several matches after.

    I agree, this should be stickied.
  11. Morello

    Morello New Member

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    This flaw is in every Thomson router, or every re-badged Thomson router. These include:

    • BT Home Hub v1, v1.5, v2 (white or black). The v1.5 and v2 have no way to access telnet and permanently solve it to my knowledge
    • o2 Wireless Box 1,2,3 - these do seem to have telnet access and so you can permanently fix it
    • Be BeBox - not sure if this allows telnet access
    • Bigpond Telstra supplied routers - not sure about telnet as I think they supply custom firmware despite not re-badging the routers

    There are more but those are the ones that I can think of.

    If your router is branded as a Thomson then unless it was supplied with a custom firmware from your ISP you should be able to carry out the telnet fix.

    To correct the quote from earlier, which I think I incorrectly typed somewhere (let me know where), it's UDP ports 27010-11.

    If a more permanent workaround for those without telnet access is forthcoming I'll definitely post it over at the Tripwire forums here: ... hp?t=38891

    Until then, as already posted you can refresh the server list and wait longer than 60 seconds from clicking refresh and servers appearing to joining, reconnect to the server once in-game (open the console with ` and type "reconnect" and press return - you may have to do this twice) and you can join on friends' games through Steam. I don't think the favourites approach will work because I think the game goes to the Internet tab immediately and refreshes the server list.

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