Funniest thing you've done or seen happen in a game?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bonecrusher, December 27, 2010.

  1. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Funniest thing I've seen is during one of f5in's games where he was a gunner there was a tank who charged then flew off the edge of the side (as he was going around the edge of their base) I don't know why but I laughed so hard just watching this and my mic was off.

    Also when i was playing assasin last night I had chased some kid on grenade 3 through the middle and went to chase him as he activated the jump pad. Well stupid me walked and kept walking thinking he activated the jump pad and I'd follow. I felt like Wiley Coyete falling off a cliff to my doom. Lol very witty
  2. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    The moment that stands out to me the most was one time playing as Sniper on LazeRazor. I usually control the center ground section with ice traps and the occasional flak, and the Annihilator just went active. I use it right when an enemy Assassin comes in my face, whether they were after me or the Annihilator I don't know. I proceed to smack them around with the Sniper Grapple and fling them off a glass wall just when the Annihilator zaps them in midair.
  3. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I was playin with someone(I think it was Stretch) and he was chasing someone and used his Tank charge, then all of a sudden I see a tank on my screen FLY off the map like a freakin bullet. I was like wtf just happened? He said that they dodged his charge and he kinda went on a little expedition off the map.

    Another one that ties with this was when GrindouT was behind me and blocking my escape on Steel Peel so when I turned around to head back to the base I was sniped in the back as I hit my Tank charge and my dead body team killed him. It was awesome.
  4. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Some funny moments:

    1. Stealing SXD's bacon, then jumping off the map on purpose (thanks for killing that jackbot though :))

    2. I was playing sniper on Grenade III, and started off 4 - 0. All 4 kills were melees on the same assassin that kept face-grappling me. (Nothing better than level 1 grapple, followed by SMG grapple, followed by melee)

    3. Playing all supports with Patch and some others, and having all 6 teammates hopping in a circle around the other team's moneyball, making a daisy chain with the heal gun, as our air strikes finish off the moneyball.

    4. Watching people get stuck in the middle of Grenade III without money to buy a jump pad.

    5. Anytime you get a headcrab, then taunt in front of the player before you blow it up.
  5. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    On spunky a tank was being slammed by a jackbot but just managed to jetpack back when I charged 3ed him back off the map.
  6. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Brutal deployed spawn-destruction with 6 Gunners.
    Gapshots piercing the heavens with 6 Supports.
    Inescapable chain-grappling with 6 Assassins.

    Practically all the games we used the same class.
  7. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Playing ghostbusters style with 6 supports on lazor. All 6 of us threw down our firebases under their middle bridge on top of each other, meanwhile group singing I aint fraid of no ghosts. Probably Much funnier to us than it was to them.

    Playing support as frenzyshot plays tank, and every single conflict he shows up out of nowhere and charges them from the side. They never saw it coming and I constantly saw this freight train slamming into my opponents, usually ringing them out. He started making train horn noises every time and had me in tears.
  8. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I just played some with Hostile Paradox and a bunch of others last night. Bullseye's out and he manages to get bacon. Then... another bacon dropped! He was going nuts telling people to get over there, as he was hopping away like a fat kid with chocolate. Better yet, nobody came! I was a Sniper, the furthest away from the action, and I ended up being the one to grab it! We had a Gunner and he was refusing to grab bacon. My reaction to the whole scenario defies words.
  9. ShockerGeneral

    ShockerGeneral New Member

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    I dunno why but this cracked me up the most...I think it was the train noises...classic

    The funniest thing I remember is getting 2 back to back Uber streaks on Spunky (not sure why we played it 2x in a row...) against a team of mostly face grappling assassins....going 65-7-3 by shotgunning oblivious assassins caught in my 3.3 shaveice topped up by random fire from 3.3 Rocket Turrents/ amused me...
  10. Evil Panda666

    Evil Panda666 New Member

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    Playing Lazerazor with IM HUDSON and a few others, we all played gunner,jumped on top of there base and kept taunting so every few seconds you'd hear " let's do this tiki style!" from 6 people at once.(this was before DLC) Also me getting a triple kill with the annihilator and I saw a teamate get a quadruple kill with one tank charge (I didn't even think that was possible lol)
  11. thoraxe5000

    thoraxe5000 New Member

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    I was playing as a gunner and a juiced assassin was chasing me so I turn around and acted liked I didn't notice him. Then I jumped backwards when he was right behind me and I pancaked him.
  12. Ironheart

    Ironheart New Member

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    Using tank's charge casually to get around the map on Spunky Cola.

    Some poor sod popped out of that one corridor (near the jump pads) just in time to get ringed out.

    I've never seen such perfect timing.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    Because Im only good at this game when I'm snarfed out of my mind, I tend to do some dumb stuff. Yesterday I played and all 3 of my deaths were lunges off a cliff.
  14. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    I got head crabbed by an assault as I played assassin. Thought it would be funny to follow him and stay extremely close to him. He kept backing up into a wall and I just kept attacking with daggers. He got nervous and hit the bomb button and I ended up killing him in the process.
  15. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    My favorite variant of this is grappling a support who has just headcrabbed you. Mutually assured destruction.
  16. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    1.Hacking 3.3 enemy Rockits with Bolt.
    2.Mario stomping an Gunner as an Support on Steel Peel.
    3.Got accidentially(he pressed the right stick by mistake.) meleed by an Support while I was Tank-charging at him.
    4.Headcrabbing snipers from long range.
    5.Meleeing Rev Rabies.
    6.Killing three Assasins with one charge.
    7.Making Syd scream AMIGAAAAAAAAAWD!(Don't know why,but it cracks me up every time.)
  17. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Post mortem melee kills (I got one on a randumb, Rev got one on me.)

    Watching Rev run round flailing hoping to catch you when he was still trying to develop his "Humiliation" strat.

    Mowing down gunners that don't prespin, only to get picked off by a slim-bot.

    Getting slammed by one gunner, slammed by another where I landed, and land next to a 3.3 rock-it, which I promptly smoke bomb, only to get grappled by the support there until my smoke bomb wears off and it kills me.

    Setting up my firebase next to my Rock-it on Spunky Cola, and going out to lure in the enemy. Easily. :p

    Getting a lucky "Ground Zero" on a gunner trying to mortar down my 3.3 rock-it and getting a triple kill from him fleeing underneath the annihilator which just came up.
  18. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    When this happened, I was raging, but in retrospect, it's goddamned hilarious.

    Prior to the first patch (with all the lovely host migration failures), Jacktrips and I were playing on Steel Peel, and I had been saving up money as a Support to get some Juice and take out some turrents. No big deal, everything's going well and all.

    Then, host migrates.

    I am forced back to the spawn room with the default Support class, 0 kills, 0 deaths, and $50 in hand, which is about $950 LESS than what I had pre-migration. Meanwhile, Jack is enjoying a lovely $1000 bonus he got by changing from an Assault to my Support, as well as an extra 12 kills that were previously in my possession.

    That was the first time I ever played with Jacktrips. I'll never forget it.
  19. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I have footage of this game. I might convert it and upload it one of these days.
  20. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    I had a triple flapjack master today.

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