do you think there will be factions or not?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by mojo3911, March 28, 2013.

  1. mojo3911

    mojo3911 New Member

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    i think that they will add 2 factions because ta has two and it is suppost to be a sucseser to it. also i really hope they do because it will be more interesting.

    please respond! :?:
  2. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    Uber already announced that there will only be one faction.
    Last edited: March 28, 2013
  3. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I think they won't because Uber has said they won't.
  4. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Multiple Commanders, 1 unit pool.

    However, its possible for mods to add new factions.
  5. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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  6. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    I do think a generals-esque sub-faction system where you can choose different subsets or variants of units from the general pool would be cool.
  7. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    As a separate game-mode perhaps, but in general why would you want to limit your available options?
  8. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    technically the sub factions came out of red alert 2 with nations, and i loved the hell out of basically all its incarnations, however i don't think it will be in this game.
  9. xnavigator

    xnavigator Member

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    I hope there will be an incremental approach.

    The game ships with only one faction, to simplify patching/balancing... then with other patch new features will be added.

    Wings of Liberty - Heart of the Swarm styles can be good if the expansion will not be too expensive
  10. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    The closest thing to factions at this point are potential differences in Commanders. I don't think there's any info about unique units or some kind of bonus between choices.
  11. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    All "Factions" will have the one unit pool that everyone plays with in this game.

    Besides that, there will be other "factions", factions being defined as "nation" or "team" or "sentient being" or "seperate intellects" all with desire to win and different goals and parameters.

    Basically, every "player" is the leader of their faction, every faction has enemys and allys, and every faction plays with their allys to destroy their enemys and emerge victorious. EVERYONE and EVERY FACTION builds the same crap to accomplish that.
  12. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    One tech-faction has been confirmed (that is "one unit pool", not one faction).

    (Uber used the word faction as a synonym to tech-faction, they have later admitted that they meant tech-faction and not faction)

    Theres still plenty of ways they could do different gameplay for different factions (Different bonuses for example).

    However i think its unlikely that they will.
  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Yeah, there will most likely be little to no gameplay difference between factions (defined as the individual players in control of their units), if any then they will entirely be just the different commander you are playing as and his probably meager and meaningless differences.

    Every player and the things he commands his army to do are his "faction". Factions can team up, factions can have enemys, factions can fight to achieve their own victory. HOWEVER, EVERY FACTION WILL HAVE THE SAME EXACT UNITS, BUILD OPTIONS, POWER LEVELS, ECT.
  14. commanderdaz

    commanderdaz Member

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    I think gameplay-wise there will only be one faction meaning all commanders will share a unit pool. Though I think (or atleast I hope so) lore-wise each commander will represent its own faction, driven by its own motivations and storyline.
  15. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    And the "has a memory" award goes to...
  16. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Personally I always found the stories and motivations and such behind each faction in most RTS games the most compelling things about them. The fact that they also happened to have different units was pretty much a "meh" thing for me.

    I mean why have three drastically different versions of a tank? And if all three versions are very similar then why have different versions at all? Its just silly.
  17. torklan

    torklan New Member

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    It has been pointed out before that Uber has stated there is no differentiation in tech between any Team Factions. For game mechanics this is a very good policy. It also does make a large amount of sense IRL armies steal technologies from each other as often as possible.

    Now having said that, unit balance is a very big issue with online RTS games. Look at the patch notes for Starcraft 2. They seemed to be re-balancing units with every update.

    As all units are equal across the Team Factions then this doesn't need to happen. As a Tier 1 unit has the same hit points, the same range and DPS on any Team Faction. All that could change is the sprite of the unit and it's attack animation and/or special effect of damage.

    How does this effect PA? Well we could see one Team Faction have the walkers shown in the Promo as their Tier 1 unit. Another faction could have something that has tank treads instead of feet. Another could have six spider like legs and a tank turret rather then a torso and arms.

    Each unit would be functionally identical. Range, DPS, Hit Points and movement would be all the same. Hell, Uber could even create a method of micro transactions to sell us custom sprites/skins for our units. Nothing game wise changes it's just how they look. Of course there will be players who will say if units are not uniform it's unbalancing as it makes it harder to instantly see what a unit is.

    Which is where unit size plays it's part. All equal units should be the same size. For example all Tier 1 units should be the same size and smaller then Tier 2 units. So it does not matter if one Team Faction has the special effect of bright purple lazors or DOOM or volleys of missiles for it's attacks. Every unit is the same stat-wise.

    However making the units look different between each Team Faction in more ways then just color help players feel like their choice matters in choosing a side. It helps create a large sense of engagement and helps is to identify with our chosen Team Faction.
  18. lordmortis

    lordmortis New Member

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    I don't care if there is only 1 faction but i would love to see different models of the same unit like before the battle you can pick an option that your units look like TA or SupCom units. Just some different cosmetic option so all they units don't look the same all time.
  19. thepossu

    thepossu New Member

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    Im just happy that there is only one faction, in my opinion that makes it more intresting
  20. xcupx

    xcupx Member

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    Gods please no micro-transactions! D:

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