Question on planet generation - plateaus and rifts

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by machilleus, March 26, 2013.

  1. machilleus

    machilleus New Member

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    So I understand that planet generation will by-and-large be procedural, but I couldn't help but notice from the last livestream that there seemed to be just a few different types of plateaus and rifts that were shown.

    That raised the following question for me:

    Is the ultimate plan for plateau/rift features going to be
    (1) generated procedurally (i.e. are the repeated features I see now just placeholders for what will eventually be made on-the-fly)?
    (2) sprinkled onto the map out of a canned collection of plateau/rift features (which, if so, I would assume will be a lot more diverse at release than what we're seeing here)?

    Thanks in advance.

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  2. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    2. Sprinkled out. And yes there will be more diversity.

    There is no technical reason they couldn't be generated procedurally themselves but we have a tradeoff here to make between runtime performance and uniqueness.
  3. machilleus

    machilleus New Member

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    Thanks for answer. It has been really cool to get such a behind-the-scenes look at how this thing is coming together!
  4. syox

    syox Member

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    Will there be a greater diversity and more sharpness for altitude levels, valleys and mountains hills etc.

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