Give me back my air strikes!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Organous, December 24, 2010.

  1. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Honestly, I don't know of anybody who feels the Support needed to have his Air Strike recovery reduced. It was never an issue, and it's literally the Support's only long-range means of attack. Not only is it the only one, but it has to recharge after each use. I understand that it's effectively a portable nuke, but it was perfectly balanced the way it was before. It was nowhere near spammable.
    There's only one thing I can't really do so much with it now: randomly lob it in the middle of nowhere and hope it hits something. Oh I can still do it, but I practically have to wait for Bullseye before I can lob another. This wasn't exactly threatening, either. It's a glaringly obvious attack that players should be able to avoid without much issue unless you attach it to them (then it's more difficult). Only once have I ever randomly lobbed and actually connected with a player. The Air Strike is and always has been primarily useful for bots and turrets.

    That being said, I have faith that Uber wouldn't have done this without reason. I am a reasonable man (especially when asking for something), so I'd be glad to hear whatever reasoning Uber had for this nerf. I don't like the juice gain reduction either, since it rewarded players for doing their job, but I can understand why he shouldn't have such a big reward for such low risk. It's the Air Strike that really bugs me.
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    one of the biggest problems with it is that in public matches, the support is generally left alone in the base, and it is unofficially his job to maintain it. taking away his airstrikes are taking away his only chance to push bots.
  3. SkizoFrantiK

    SkizoFrantiK New Member

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    I rarely played the support role, because it was a thankless job, and to me it was rather boring. I prefer a class that gets me into the thick of the action. That being said, I agree that it was not a nerf I expected for the support. It is very unfortunate that uber decided to do this. I myself had at least 2 friends (Patch of Blue and Don Philostrate) that I can count and quite a few regular foes (Wingman Master comes to mind) that stopped playing MNC entirely. Several others just refuse to play the class anymore. :(
  4. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    It's true, support just isn't as fun to play anymore. I also liked the juice gain because it encouraged supports to be out there overhealing their allies and bots. With the juice reduction and airstrike strike, there is little reason for a support to leave his base. Like somebody else said, it's a thankless job.

    I'm at the point to where I only play support if I know I'm not facing anybody who is competent on the other team. Two gunners are stronger than an overhealed gunner.

    It's also funny because of how simmilar the assault bomb is to the airstrike and the differences between the two classes. But thats another discussion for another time.
  5. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    I want them back too. I can't stay at home effectively without them anymore - I see the change as having confirmed that a best D is a good O. This is especially true if you have some competent heavies to heal. I agree that 2 gunners > gunner +support, but if you're willing to juggle healing teammates and not just lock-on-and-follow then support + 2 pros > any 3 pros alone.

    Organous, there is a point where Scathis said he decided to add to the regen time due to the effect of churros, and added that a good support should be able to farm enough to keep the airstrikes flowing. I believe that was in the 'Support post DLC' thread or something to that sort if you want to search it.

    Also Wingman stopped playing? I haven't seen him lately but I've def seen him as support post DLC so didn't realize it.
    Last edited: December 27, 2010
  6. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    9/10 my deployed gunner > gunner/support.
    just saying...
  7. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    I see deployed gunners and get excited 'cause I get a solid air strike target. It makes me feel like I'm contributing more than just the heals and occasional sin patrol.
  8. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    I'm going to disagree just slightly on this one. My reasoning is because 3 pros only have to focus on 2 with their fire where 2 would have to focus on 3. But now we are getting pretty deep in hypotheticals...
  9. Kangarou

    Kangarou New Member

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    I use the Support post patch, and I genuinely see no issue. They may lack ranged attacks, but their close range can beat out a Tank/Gunner, so that kinda seems like it evens out.

    They still have their advantages, and I still see them as a very capable class.
  10. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    I want to meet this Tank/Gunner that lets you get close to them with your pea shooter.
  11. Kangarou

    Kangarou New Member

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    They're the ones that come around the corner trying to kill my Firebase. That's the fun of having a class with a free decoy/ legitimate threat.
  12. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    Yeah, a dim-witted tank or gunner. Because I play support so much I can also easily take out a tank/gunner...unless they know what the heck they are doing! First, they wont be caught that close to me; second, if I DO manage to sneak up on them they will know how to get out of that situation.

    Your insane if your suggesting equally skilled support and equally skilled tank or gunner it a fair match.
  13. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    I've got to say that I agree with the juice reduction. It was needed. Supports could get juice too quickly from relative safety.

    What I don't at all agree with is the air strike nerf. It's absurd how long it takes to recharge now. When I play as support now, I find myself saving airstrikes instead of using them.

    That said, I still enjoy playing as the support and still think you can play on offense with him, but it sure feels like he's missing something.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    I think this should be made into a poll so Uber can see how much we actually want support's airstrikes back. I agree 100%. Nerfing his juice - I understand. But leave his airstrikes the way they were - they were fine. I don't even play support that much and I agree with you.
  15. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    The reason I think that the juice nerf for the support wasn't needed is because he is probably the worst class when juiced.

    Yes, I know that his juiced shotgun can kill an absurd amount of the moneyball. But this is drastically reduced when their are turrets or pros to contend with, both of which he has trouble dealing with while juiced.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    I disagree. Support's hurt gun juiced is EZ mode x 100%. Free kills and you don't have to aim. His juice needed nerfing; his airstrikes should be restored to the way they were.
  17. mute

    mute New Member

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  18. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    Its really not that hard taking out a gunner/tank if your a support who knows what they are doing. I come out on top on gunner 7/10 and tanks more like 5.5/10. When a Support gets close to a gunner they ALWAYS use their lil ground pound thing and I just jump over it and finish them off. Regular tanks will death blossom which still gives me enough time to kill them, especially since I have RoF. A GOOD tank will use his charge move which usually throws us far away and stalemates us. A GREAT tank - Death Blossom + Charge = Death
  19. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    So what? Its only good at medium-close range and its the only range a support has. We are lucky to get 3 kills that way, especially going after tank/gunner which still takes a good 2-3 seconds depending on ednorsements.
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i think i get plenty of juice and air strikes post dlc.

    instead of blowing your juice as quickly as you can, have you ever thought about holding it in?

    ok, to get our minds out of the gutter, ever think about getting juice as support, saving it for anti-juicing another pro? do it all the time, its a clutch move.

    now for my normal street fighter reference. me and organous both believe that a ultra to counter an ultra is an amazing move. so just counter juice with juice.

    anyhow, i suppose its a bit slow. im in favor for reinstating it or possibly at least restoring it in between the former and the current.

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