Carrying the entire weight of the team

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Organous, December 25, 2010.

  1. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    I think it's the Assassin's job to get the annhilator personally. But I've seen a Gunner and Tank go for it once before. I've only seen one other Sniper besides me do it. But never ever seen a Support try.
  2. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    I <3 carrying teams. It means I get to control when we end the game, and I don't have to worry about people tryharding the ball down in the first 5 minutes of the game.
  3. mute

    mute New Member

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    Supports can rarely afford it anymore till late in the game, after upgrades etc (or in an act of desperation),. Before the DLC I was all over it. That said, I get the annihilator pretty regularly still because the name of the game to me when playing support is controlling the center of the map w. the FB and trying to create choke points for everyone else.. esp on Ammo Mule, LaseRazor, Steel Peel and Spunky. That will also translate to more bot kills, so more money.. a dual reward (map control + $). When I'm there and not running back to check on the base or healing others, etc., and if I have the cash, I'll grab it asap.

    I agree that carrying pubs can be loads of fun,.. as long as the teammates do _something_. You at least need them destracting the other players so you can pull off the mojo. Sucks when your team never leaves the base, ever, and gets rolled from the first minute.
  4. MoonGooseThe3rd

    MoonGooseThe3rd New Member

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    I agree that assassins should make the Annihilator a priority, since they are the most mobile class. What I meant when I said it shouldn't be up to them to babysit the thing is that the rest of the team shouldn't leave it up to the assassin to take care of it. If they see it's active and they have the money, they should see about making their way over there themselves.

    It's kind of a sore spot for me because I have played far too many games where absolutely nobody on my team ever even tried to activate it except for me. I don't know if they assumed the assassin was just going to take care of it or if they just didn't know it existed or what, but I am positive that no team should leave managing the thing up to a single member. Especially when they haven't even bought their katana yet >.>

    Seeing half (no joke) of the other team rush the thing while I raced them all by myself more than a few times was also fairly painful -.-
  5. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    I hit it all the time. with every class.
  6. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    As a Sniper who tries to maintain full view of the arena, I nearly always get the Annihilator unless I have a prior engagement.

    It's usually activated within three seconds of coming online.
  7. CStubing

    CStubing New Member

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    Shhhh... next thing you know, they'll realize that they get kills and $$ from building turrets too, then support will *really* be doomed.
  8. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    One thing that really makes me mad is when I am playing as Support on G3. I will destroy all the bots in an entire lane and hold off a pro or two while the rest of my team takes the other side of the map and doesn't accomplish anything. I played a few games like this and in every one I lost. It was frustrating because those 5 other people couldn't hold off a few pros or bots while I was taking half of the load.

    To be fair, I was getting 1/2 the bot kills due to my firebase and turrets, but still it was frustrating.
  9. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    This happens to me so much. I will be single-handedly holding off the entire enemy team while the rest of mine just kills bots and camps up on the ledge staring at the base.

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