Pre-order packages

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Dreddric, March 20, 2013.

  1. Dreddric

    Dreddric New Member

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    As a latecomer to the Kickstarter party (joined in November 2012 when I became aware of Elite: Dangerous), I completely missed the opportunity to back Planetary Annihilation.

    I am a huge fan of the original Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander.

    I am really not bothered by the digital and physical extras i.e. Soundtracks, Artbooks, Pin Badges, Miniatures, T-Shirts etc.
    All I would really like is the Theta and Delta Commander's to play in game, had I been aware of the Kickstarter project earlier, I would have quite happily pledged $90+ to get them. I just cannot justify paying out $250 (£165 approx) for the COSMIC package.

    My ideal pre-order package, I have called INTERSTELLA for $100 would be as follows:

    Game Key (delivered digitally)
    Theta Commander PRE-ORDER EXCLUSIVE!
    Desktop Wallpaper
    Beta Access
    Delta Commander PRE-ORDER EXCLUSIVE!

    I really hope the team at Uber Entertainment see this post and consider it (fingers crossed).

    Does anyone who missed the Kickstarter project agree?
  2. unquestionablelogic

    unquestionablelogic Member

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    I just want the Super MNC asteroid belt :p. I preordered but I didn't want to pay $100 just for that flair.
  3. Guardious

    Guardious New Member

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    bah sell the delta for 400 bucks like they did for the eye patch in EvE Online. People will buy anything :)

    All joking aside thou, I would back these guys with a higher purchase, but I am still skeptical. there are many others in the industry making their mention of concern on cost vs project. In other words, many are doubtful people will get what they think they are getting.

    For this I still pre-ordered, but I can't see spending any large amounts on something like this that is unproven. The videos where great, but you can animate anything, making that animation a working game? That's another story. For the delta, while cool I just don't see the value in it. Yeah it looks cool, but can't you live without? If people are willing to shell out that kind of cash and the game flops, at least they will have something for their money?

    Giving those perks away to any other tier runes the uniqueness of that tier, so I doubt it will happen bud.
  4. Dreddric

    Dreddric New Member

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    I completely agree with you. However, we as backers are backing projects that are essentially concepts, a vision, an idea in someones head, some projects have more gravatas that others (i.e. David Braben doing the Elite sequel, Jon Mavor and Steve Thompson doing Planetary Annihilation). There will always be an element of risk, will the final product meet, let alone exceed the backers expectations. I hope the devs appreciate there is a huge amount of trust that we put in them to deliver something great (I am sure they do).

    Planetary Annihilation was funded 1.5 times over it's original goal, all the extra money has helped reach stretch goals. I'm sure additional cash generated by pre-orders will also help with the development of the game, or even if its just pure profit, I feel UberEnt could offer more mid-high teir pre-order packages with digital exclusives only.

    At the end of the day, I am willing to spend up to $100 towards the game on items I am actually going to enjoy in the game (i.e. Theta and Delta Commanders), not on physical stuff that is just going to collect dust on a shelf.

    If their Marketing guys cannot see that, then fine, I will just pay the basic $40 for the lowest pre-order package. When they potentailly could have got $100, that is the point I am trying to make (we are in a recession you know). ;)

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