Super Units as Exo-suit

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by RCIX, March 15, 2013.


Do you like the idea?

  1. Yes, absolutely!

    51 vote(s)
  2. Yes, with reservations

    67 vote(s)
  3. Meh

    10 vote(s)
  4. No, unless if it was done right...

    27 vote(s)
  5. No

    56 vote(s)
  1. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Oh, but those suggestions aren't "for" me. It's an interesting question, not because of the content of the answer... but if rcix can answer it at all.
  2. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    I wasn't sure who the original poster was, that was just the most memorable quote I could find.

    PA is a living example. Chess stands on its own as a deep game, but IMO not really a very interesting or dynamic one (until you get to the highest levels anyway). If chess was "good enough", why make PA at all? As I said, I wouldn't try and make chess better. I'd try and make a different game that distinguished itself mechanically from chess.

  3. chrislove01

    chrislove01 Member

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    No biggy, if it makes it in I want it called the ChrisLove suit of pain is all :cool:
  4. syox

    syox Member

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    Attention the following text can contain sarcasm and or irony.
    Well kids there will be more than just one game mode.
    For the naive amongst us there will be assasination.
    For the generals amongst us there will be domination.
    As of bitching above who breaks whom playthingy, you should work together to make this game fun and competitve for all of us.
    This includes that none of us has the knowledge of an univeral truth of what is right or wrong.
    So except of saying i dont want this, try 'make it optional'.
  5. turpiini

    turpiini Member

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    This is exactly what I'm thinking but couldn't put into words because English insn't my native language.
  6. Pluisjen

    Pluisjen Member

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  7. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    [Insert hair-brained idea here]

    [Community is split on acceptance of idea]

    [Someone says "Make it optional"]

    When the game ships with 10,000 "options" for play and divides the player base so no-one can matchmake to anyone else, I'll know who to blame.
    spicyquesidilla likes this.
  8. syox

    syox Member

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    Congratulation besides all your insults you discovered that people may have different opinions. And getting them together means having something for everybody, or you may end up playing soley with yourself.

    As for me: i hope you get the game you deserve.
  9. sethna

    sethna New Member

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    *chuckles* If this were actually a discussion between Uber developers, I'd agree. But it's not. The point of the forums is so that the real developers can get a read on the preferences and responses of the audience, and use that to make better decisions, not to turn the game's design into a democratic process of majority rule.

    If you don't trust Uber to do a good job of cherry picking the best ideas to actually develop and incorporate into the game, then you're in for a rough ride no matter what happens in these threads.

    Getting matchmaker locked due to too many options implies that the developers spent a lot of time and money building features which aren't well integrated into the game as a whole, and which plenty of players don't even want.

    Uber isn't a bunch of amateurs. They're aware of those pitfalls and are able to avoid them.

    They'll go out of their way to make sure that any optional settings they do put in the final game are fun to play both on and off for as many people as possible, and any mandatory content doesn't make fun and popular play-styles impractical or invalid.

    *smiles* It's okay. A whole group of professional developers have got our backs. We don't have to check them for knives every twenty seconds. *winks*

    Both of you please try to calm down and be more compassionate, okay? We've all been worried before that something might go badly, and its easy for tempers to flare and escalate, but remember that everyone here does have good intentions.
    Last edited: March 16, 2013
  10. syox

    syox Member

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    Well everything has at least one option. I am free to chose if i want to play something at all. Making the game without options may result in a small community. If the game onl is suitable for a very special case.
    Last edited: March 16, 2013
  11. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    I hold no ire for Uber. And I trust them with my $150.

    But I'm a mouthy git, and I like talking.

    I'm very ill at the moment, I'm spending a lot of time in the house with very little outside world contact... so I'm escaping here.

    I'm passionate about TA, SupCom and PA, as I'm sure you all know.

    There's always a very loud nay-sayer to every thought or idea.
    Today, you've got me ;)

    And when I post my thoughts and ideas,
    I've got you.


    That's poetic, right?
  12. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    I don't like it.

    For starters, it's a slap in the face to every custom Comm backer. Their choice is now overwritten by a gigantic battle suit that they may not even like.

    Secondly, it doesn't grok within the game. If you put a huge amount of money in the Comm, then every other aspect of your army is going to suffer. The Comm HAS to be used on the front line in order to pay off his investment. That contradicts the idea of the Comm being a king piece. Instead of demanding attention and protection from trouble, he becomes the first unit on the front, now wearing a gigantic "shoot me" sign, no less.

    Third, no amount of numbers is going to save the Comm from being a game ending condition. Being able to protect against various forms of damage is great. But the Comm can survive ANYTHING by staying out of trouble.
  13. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    I didn't know these were what the commander spawned in/were super easy to rush/mandatory because of their balance, can i play the beta too?

    That's the whole point /facepalm The useless king paradigm should be one among two or more options, not the only because "well it looks like a stupid idea to have any others". I'll say it again, if you want a king like that, please play chess :(

    (Also, poll up)
  14. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    The "King" piece is something of what made TA special. It's something of what made SupCom special.

    It's what's called a "Sacred Cow". It's a link to the past... it's a connection that links me, and you, and everyone back to the roots of this game.

    The "King" is what makes this game special to me. It's unique as a stylistic choice for the franchise.

    If you take the "King" away you're making the game less special for me.
    Do you want to do that, knowing that I'll be very sad?

    Edit: Sigh. Your poll is loaded. I refuse to vote.
  15. sethna

    sethna New Member

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    This just rang a big alarm bell in my head. Sending the commander to hide in the middle of nowhere becomes much less feasible when you'll need it within easy reach of a Tech II orbital factory at all times to be able to evacuate in case of impending planet death.

    The commander might need some way to survive a beating just to make it possible to evacuate a planet when up against an experienced player in this game.

    I'd really like the commander's escape before impact to have a decent chance of success, or the game will inevitably just be a tech-race to a game-ending asteroid.

    Edit: Umm... please make the poll more impartial.
    Make sure it's an even spread between yes or no: 'definitely yes', 'preferably yes', 'don't care', 'preferably not', 'definitely not', for example. Don't list any possible pros or cons in the poll itself. That's what the thread is for.

    I'll vote as soon as you fix it. <3
    Last edited: March 16, 2013
  16. movra

    movra Member

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    I agree, it's bad form and doesn't help the argument.
  17. syox

    syox Member

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    Poll is biased so no usefull.
    And @ nanolathe.
    If you are ill thats sad and i wish you a fast recovery. But this doesnt give you any right to use this community as a punshing ball to free yourself from anger. If this is needed maybe you should talk to a friend about whats depressing you, or seek professional help.
  18. syox

    syox Member

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    @bobucles. Well if there wont be domination gamemode. I am allready out. Played assasination once and decide i didnt like it.
  19. crystaline109

    crystaline109 Member

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    Do not want. I dissagree with this argument on all levels. Megabot may have a place in the game if done right... this can't be done right because on it's fundamental level it is flawed. All it's going to be used for is a protective shell around your commander that is hiding away on some remote asteroid. Not worth the time at all. Adds nothing useful.

    BTW terrible poll.
  20. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    Not like it isn't their exact attitude, but, fixed. :roll:

    PA is also a game inspired by TA and SC. Which should = change and improvement. Not staying the same because thats how it was before. :(

    I'm really trying, but you're being a very big wet blanket who's insisting that change is bad =/ If its something that was in a previous version, you seem to want it to be very similar or exactly the same as it was.

    What version of the beta do you have where this is the case?

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