Carrying the entire weight of the team

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Organous, December 25, 2010.

  1. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I absolutely hate when I go into random teams and I find myself carrying my team the entire way. I usually just leave when I see my teammates are crap, but for some morbid reason I decided to stay in one recently. Let me tell you, when a simple Assassin's got to be the one rebuilding all your turrets and almost single-handedly taking the internal rockets to 3, there's a problem. They were trying just about every dirty trick in the book, and I'm amazed we managed to actually win it. I don't know how many firebases I managed to destroy in all that time. Granted, this wasn't some actually organized team. The randoms simply went significantly against me, and it felt good being the driving force for victory rather than just giving up on them. Come to think of it, I should've tracked how many times I juiced in that match. I remember earning an overdose protag.

    To make this an actual discussion more than just my euphoric reflection, share your one-man army experiences. Do you typically abandon your incompetent randoms, or stick it out hoping you can win regardless?
  2. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    Funny because I was playing with you earlier today, and I had to change my clothes because family was coming over for christmas and I was in my undies.

    When I come back, all of our turrets are destroyed, your assassin is spamming gremlins, and my team is getting assraped.

    I was going 10-0 but when the match ended I was 19-14
  3. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    Also that was the gayest match ever, I juiced 3 times and every time either a bot killed me, a team mate killed me by knocking me out of the arena, or an assassin snuck up on me. So gay.
  4. Ian

    Ian New Member

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  5. Organous

    Organous Member

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    lol That's not the match to which I referred, but yeah. Going away for any significant time can lead to catastrophe.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    This morning I had one of my best games ever, and I was support, not assassin.

    32--16-0. Team was useless. Just built a rockit turret up front on Spunky Cola and spawned a lot of gapshots. I <3 defensive support so effing much on that map.
  7. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    I really only play in pub games, but I'll stick it out for the most part. If anything it helps me get better at dealing with organized teams. Its also amusing to see familiar teams/pubstompers buck whylin' on a squad of single digits and then talk smack on them in the lobbies.
    Way to support the game's community.
  8. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I play with randoms nearly every day (polishes up on my skills, since playing with a party is basically easy mode), and about 90% of the time, it's me carrying my team. As a rule, I normally stick it out until someone wins and play with them for a bit, unless it's really laggy. I stick it out for a few games against teams as well, but if I'm getting absolutely rolled solo, then I'll stay for a full game and find another lobby. No fun getting gangbanged by 6 different people while my teammates herp-derp all over the place.
  9. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I had a situation like this the other night. I was playing gunner, and ended 40/15/10, and got more kills than their top player and my entire team combined. I'll note their top player had 15 kills.

    I ended up winning (notice: not we) as I singlehandedly shot down their moneyball in overtime as I couldn't get over there during regulation.

    I had another game like this, but I was assault and didn't fare as well on the stats, but still out-earned the rest of my team by $2k, and single-handedly destroyed their moneyball. Thank god for fast-respawn level 3 bomb, and juiced grenade launcher.
  10. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Oh my goodness. If I had a dollar...

    I can relate completely. Doing all that as an Assassin is TOUGH WORK. Especially when your teammates are back-buttwards simpletons (Example, there was another Assassin on my team in one case, and she COMPLETELY surpassed any and all bots in her way and went straight for pros. ...lolwut).

    Lately, though, since I've been experimenting with other classes, it allows me to switch to something more suitable if I have to carry the team. Push bots as a neenja, die (suicide or other means), switch classes, hold the enemy back.

    It works most of the time (Read: if the enemy doesn't notice I'm the sole reason for our advance). Not to sound narcissistic.

    SHOW YOUR HEART New Member

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    So that's how you guys do it on the holidays, eh?


    Good playing with you the other day. :D
  12. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    That's happened to me quite a bit. back when I could only play Gunner and Support it was pretty easy, but then I stopped playing support and got really crappy. I still find myself having to switch between Tank, Gunner, and Support to deal with everything when i'm the only competent player on my team, though.
  13. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Joined an game in session and ended up with an pub team, money ball shields down, and Syd,Rev,Skizo and Telomoto are on the other team. And I turned the tide and won. The best moment in my MNC career yet.(I've maybe said this before, cant remember. :arrow: )
  14. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    Stop killing me :lol:

    Also good playing with you the other day, too. I love stealing kills.
  15. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Please stop reminding me of the last time I played Assassin in Crossfire. I'm not even good at Assassin(or anything else for that matter) and all my effort was for nothing when the enemy team realized their bots should've already downed the moneyball and actually began escorting them...Ugh. Situations like this are some of the few times I actually ponder if team-oriented games are the way to go rather than things like Halo >.>
  16. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    If I'm anything besides Assassin I just camp somewhere so I doubt I'm help then. But I've had games where I bought almost every single turret, upgraded them, the annhilator and all that fun stuff. And I did that once as a Sniper :| That was the most ridiculous game I ever played. And I fail so we still lost xD Go me for making the effort and still failing! :D I think I died like 25-30 times that game, and I know, I just made EVERYONE jealous of my k/d that game ;)
  17. MoonGooseThe3rd

    MoonGooseThe3rd New Member

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    I cannot tell you how often this used to frustrate me. I mostly play Assassin too, it's my job (in my view) to get behind enemy lines and take out key enemies/turrets, break holes in their defensive line. It is not to babysit the Annihilator or keep running back to base to make sure someone upgraded the Laser Blazers past level one or some other nonsense. I always play with at least one friend so the burden is lifted somewhat but if you're opening windows and your team isn't stepping up no matter how awesome you're doing it turns your hard work into ash.

    A solution I found is to say "well then, eff those guys". If a game starts going badly, I start pursuing some side goal totally tangental to winning. Maybe I see an opportunity to snatch that "100 Blackjack Kills" protag, maybe I'm going to try to practice my sniping, maybe me and a buddy are just going to pick a lane and turn it into a permanent meat grinder. Not only does it lead to a lot more fun, but more than half the time we end up winning anyways. And even when we don't, at least I got to do what I wanted. Try it some time!
  18. mute

    mute New Member

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    I disagree.. since the Support makes nearly no $ compared to other players, and since the Assassin makes the most in the quickest and easiest fashion.. it would be a good idea for the Assassin to spend some of that money on defense on a regular basis. Upgrading the Rockit's would be a good idea if nothing else. 300$/600$ to a support is like 750/1.5k to anyone else..
  19. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    I am usually not good enough to carry a team.

    Last night I was doing a decent job as assassin. Granted I was the only one over level 60.

    Then some good people started to join the other team but I don't quit.

    After the game when it was obvious I was the best on my team I went like 6-3 and 7-8 with my next highest teammate at say 1-6 and then 3-5. Now I should have switched because assassin is my worst class, but I still need most of the assassin tags. I decided to go for grapple kills just for fun.
  20. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    anyone who plays assassin on these forums will tell you otherwise on this. when i play assault i watch it, but thats just because the assassins never do. as the quickest and stealthiest class in the game, who better than to steal an annihilator out from the other team?

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