If you don't want to reveal what game you actually make you could at least reveal the date. Will it be released when it is done? Or will it be released when it is about time like hell? Or do you intend to keep it to yourself and laugh at us all?
Please make sure if there is a multiplayer part that you have enough beta testers from Europe and all over the world. The connectivity issues we are exsperiencing with Demigod atm are not funny anymore. Chances are you will probably use a server based approach but please test it anyway. Hmm, I think you could give us a hint if your game is supposed to have a multiplayer...
And if its server based (like most games), dedicated server files on or before launch is essential...just look at FEAR2. MP is dead on the PC since there are no server files and never will be.
Thanks. If you need someone with a crazy connection I volunteer, still cant connect to anyone with Demigod.... o, please dont make jokes like that. You are joking, right? @_
Who's head? And by 'isn't a PC game' what are the rules to that? I mean, can it be a web based pony/unicorn game for preteens and still be considered a PC game?
I sure hope so... looks like 3D Realms is shutting down. http://forums.3drealms.com/vb/showpost. ... tcount=129
I can't believe 3DR is gone. Lot of good people lost their jobs. Makes me sad to see an independent like them shut down.
So in my daily websearches for pony/unicorn games I came across this post.. talk about disappointment thanks for getting my hopes up Scathis. why do you hate me?